Farmers under attack globally- Why?
My Speech (and more) Reckless Renewables Rally Canberra 6th February 2024
On Tuesday the 6th of February 2024 I was asked to attend the Reckless Renewable Rally at Parliament House. It was organised by a Farmer from Western NSW, Grant Piper and others involved in the newly formed National Rational Energy Network. I had interviewed Grant a year prior regarding what was happening in his community and surrounds after the Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone was declared (you can find a more recent interview with Grant on my Youtube channel).
The hit pieces have rolled out since the protest, incorrectly framing it as a Right Wing political endeavour and smearing the people involved
It wasn’t a right wing political event (as I explained above) and all sides of politics were invited to attend, listen and speak. The Greens, Labor, Teals didn’t attend. You can’t force the ones invested (or funded by) in the Renewable Energy PPP infrastructure to listen to the people affected. The (juvenile, name calling) hit pieces never cover the vast majority of people who spoke on the day which included highly ethical community members, farmers and environmentalists discussing their diligently researched concerns.
Renew Economy is a slick PR machine. It’s impossible to find any information on founder Giles Parkinson, besides he was Deputy Editor of The Australian Financial Review, and wrote for The Australian. He also writes for The Guardian and Michael West.
Giles has set up four PR websites for Renewable Energy- Renew Economy, One Step Off The Grid, Switched On and The Driven (EV’s). He doesn’t have any qualms about such things as; Amazon buying up wind turbine outputs in Australia, or billionaire Cannon Brookes exploring decarbonisation (I wonder if this will be the highly destructive Carbon Capture and Storage?) Renew Economy boasts that it is the leading website in Australia specialising in the clean energy transition and climate policy. They welcome short advertising campaigns and long term sponsorship agreements. They can also host sponsored webinars. If Renew Economy is the leading website on the energy transition, then the public should be able to see who the sponsors are and whether it is really independent (if the information is out there please let me know in comments).
One of the speakers at the rally who caught my attention was Sybelle Foxcroft- Environmental Manager and Consultant- she was representing Save Eungella. You can find out more here:
My speech (and extras)
Farmers in New Zealand, the Netherlands, France, Germany, England and of course AUSTRALIA are all protesting. What’s the common denominator? Their governments Net Zero plans leading to increasing pressures and pushing them off their farms.
The Global Agenda
If we look globally at what’s going on in the agricultural space AND where it’s leading food production to, it answers the questions- Why is the government putting renewable energy on prime farm land? Why is the government not concerned about food production?
I mean No Farmers, No Food….. Right???
In the dystopian Fourth Industrial Revolution- Techies become the producers of food. Farmers are there to support the techies, with crops such as sugar. Food Futurist Tony Hunter frames it as “technology companies that make food”.
COP is the United Nations Climate Change Conference, yearly you’ll find massive corporates, “philanthropists”, chosen “thought leaders”, and government’s converging together to decide the fate of our world, and more recently our food systems.
COP27 -2022
More than forty investors managing a combined $18 trillion urged the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN) to create a plan to curb emissions in the agricultural sector.
COP 28- 2023
Bill Gates on the issue of food systems and climate change. “A lot of people aren’t able to grow their crops, we talk about using innovation to solve that problem. And a lot of young companies are here and the big corps will find a lot of partnerships come out of it.” What Bill Gates is discussing is something I am increasingly aware of, Biotech companies and Venture Capital Firms with a front facing bunch of young people who have websites stating “We wear T-shirts”, behind the scenes is the big, big players.
WEF and the United Nations
The WEF is the 1000 largest global corporate entities with individually $5 b in turnover. The United Nations and the WEF created a partnership in 2019 to speed up the implementation of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
They quickly set to work further transforming our global food systems.
The transformation of our food systems, outlined in the White Paper, focuses on innovation hubs where the type of innovation funded is coordinated globally by the 1000 largest corporates. Solutions to our food systems are technologically based, and as always under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. Under the PPP model government gives subsidies to corporate entities to build infrastructure, the people pay for it, and then the people pay for the service. The corporations are hailed as heroes, the people are given no authentic voice as to who and what should be funded, and it leads to a massive wealth transfer, disturbing power dynamics and centralised control of our infrastructure systems.
They talk about the need for food innovation hubs. What does this mean?
The WEF has also created the initiative 1,000,000 Farmers. In a nutshell it is how global corporations can partner with government and invest in synthetic biology, and Biotech initiatives. Make no mistake the future of food is Synthetic, otherwise known as #Synthetic is Sustainable.
Note the language of shared narrative. This means they have to conduct a behavioural management program to make us forget that food grown as close to the source (without harmful chemicals and genetic tampering) is good for us. They must make up the story that we have to eat synthetic food to “Save the climate” and “Feed the world”. It’s all a bogus, disingenuous PR campaign, but you’ve got lots of young people parroting that they are saving the world through Biotech.
What does the WEF say about food?
Current global food systems cannot provide a sustainable, healthy diet for the world’s growing population.
Biotechnology can deliver sustainable solutions by transforming the food and agricultural sector.
We must look to new solutions to be able to feed the world in a sustainable way. We urgently need sustainable technologies and methods to improve our current food systems and use of land for agriculture.
If we replace meat-based proteins with alternative proteins, we can drastically reduce global warming, water use and land use.
They go on to talk about the first lab-grown infant milk derived from mammary cells, and other forms of lab meat.
United Nations FAO partnership with CropLife
CropLife is the representative body for chemical companies such as Bayer- Monsanto, Syngenta, Corteva, BASF. The chemical companies who own the vast majority of Biotech, Chemicals, and represent the four companies who own 75 percent of the global seed stock. Yep, these are they guys tasked with transforming our food systems.
CropLife is angling to ensure chemical companies can’t get sued. Bayer- Monsanto is currently being extensively sued all around the world due to the link between Glyphosate and Cancer.
Canada’s Policy Horizons says it more clearly then most government documents
At 30 June 2022 there were 369 million hectares of agricultural land, down 5% from 2021.
CSIRO are at the forefront of transforming Australian Food Systems. Their documents use the same narrative, language and vision as documents produced by the United Nations and the WEF.
Here are some examples:
The technology that is going to “Save the Climate” UN SDG13 and “Feed the World” UN SDG 2 are technologies such as: Precision Fermentation (GMO yeast, fed sugar and through a dystopian feat of genetic engineering produce proteins in vats), Lab “Meat”, and Synthetic Plant Based Proteins. They push CRISPR technologies- genetically engineering the genome of crops and animal organisms. They sell this as “Saving the Climate” as the seeds need less water, and kill the insects themselves (so they don’t need fertilisers). I’ll come to the abhorrence of this justification later in article, suffice to say the chemical companies who sell the toxic chemicals, are now going to engineer life on earth to create patented, synthetic products to save us from their chemicals.
To quote George Peppou, the Co-Founder of Vow Food (Lab Meat Quail) “In the same way that horses still kick around for leisure…and you see very wealthy people choosing to ride horses for that sense of tradition and prestige that comes with a costly, exclusive pursuit like that (because it doesn’t make sense, it’s not the most efficient but it has this history and heritage), I suspect farms that produce high quality and sustainable and ethical meat are still going to exist in 50 to 100 years from now.. those ideas of an exclusive experience are still going to exist in 100 years, but they’re not going to be mainstream. They’re going to be a way for people to hark back to the era we are in now to show they can afford that and have those experiences.”
You can read more about the Lab Quail, Vow Food and the CSIRO in this article.
Other threats to farmers (and all of us)
30 percent of land protected by 2030
“Our government will set a goal of protecting 30% of our land and 30% of our oceans by 2030,” said Tania Plibersek MP, Minister for the Environment and Water, during her National Press Club speech on 19 July 2022.
The World Wildlife Fund
Achieving significant progress towards protecting 30% of NSW would require not just a significant expansion of legal protection, but also revegetation and rewilding of millions of hectares of long-cleared lands in the sheep/wheat belt. This would require significant investment from state and federal governments as well as corporate and philanthropic support through natural capital markets. In some cases creation of new protected areas may be contested by some locals.
The Indigenous Sea and Land Strategy 2023- 2028
72 percent of Australia will be under legal claim by Indigenous people by 2030. I contest this statement, as there are Traditional Custodians of the land being locked out of the Local Land Council’s. I believe the statement should read, 72 percent of Australia will be under legal claim by Indigenous organisations. When you scratch the surface of what is being referred to as the Indigenous Estate you will find a whole raft of corporate entities sitting over the top, making enormous amounts of money and creating division. You can read more about this here
Note in the documents- “Natural Assets” are a market and “there are known partners ready to act.” They go on in the document to identify Consultancy Firms and Philanthropists as partners.
Natural asset companies
The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) are at its core 40 senior executives from companies and financial institutions globally representing over $20 trillion in assets. Included are Consultancy companies, Blackrock, Banks, and those who own disturbing amounts of (what used to be) public infrastructure.
As an aside, the MacLeod Foundation is Prue and Alisdair MacLeod, Prue is the oldest daughter of Rupert Murdoch. Her husband is Alisdair MacLeod, who worked for Rupert, and is buying up farmland.
The model that is occurring, is as farmers are pushed off land wealthy “philanthropists” and corporations buy the land.
Back to TFND, as stated above the government is paying a corporation with $20 trillion dollars in assets tax payer money. It’s another layer of the massive wealth transfer happening currently, as our government continues to sell out the people and fund the global corporate entities.
The TFND is working on putting a price on nature, eco-system services it’s called. This market can then be traded in the future. We got a taste of what it is to come with the Rockefeller initiative of putting nature on the Stockmarket.
The Rockefeller initiative was knocked back (for now). However, they will be back and if you look at Australian government documents it’s clear that trading nature under eco-system services is the outcome they are planning.
The Natural Assets model is a system where corporate entities will value nature, such as the ability to give us fresh air. They will put a price on this. Nature becomes an “eco-system service”. The nature is put on the Stockmarket and corporates can buy it, invest in it. They get a level of ownership over the nature, and have the say of what happens with the nature. This includes National Parks, State Forests, Farming Land and the “Indigenous Estate”. It’s a way for corporate entities to get their hands on the Commons, the land they couldn’t get previously.
Wrong Kind of Green writer Michael Swifte and I discuss the Natural Asset swindle here:
Climate change modelling leading to Managed Retreat
New Zealand is fast moving in to Managed Retreat. Houses are becoming unaffordable due to rising insurance costs relying on faulty modelling, and the outcome discussed is managing people out of their homes and into the “Sustainable” and “Resilient” stack and pack apartments that are currently being built all over the world (under the justification of affordable housing, and not enough housing- amazing how so many countries can be going through the same thing at the exact same time). It’s also called Human Settlements by the United Nations. The narrative created is that humans are fundamentally dangerous to nature and must be removed.
I write more about the Climate change modelling Managed Retreat swindle effecting New Zealand and Australia here:
And here:
I surmise that under this model, if and when we are forced out of our homes due to their Climate Change modelling (dependent on whether people start to pay attention and get active), the land left behind (which our homes were on) will become corporate managed through the Natural Asset model.
Climate gentrification is occurring in Florida. Under the guise of climate change a Black Housing Estate area is razed to the ground. It's 12 feet above sea level. The same is happening in New Zealand, the poorer areas are being targeted first. Anyone who thinks that Managed Retreat will be “equitable” is not paying attention to what is really going on.
The rampant exploitation of the people and planet
I am disgusted with the wealth transfer (swindle) happening in lockstep around the world. The people are being squeezed and herded like cattle, whilst the money goes up the food chain. I am disturbed beyond belief at the power and control certain corporate entities have, most organisations getting contracts are members of the WEF. But what really gets me, is their virtue signalling whilst they screw the people over.
If we look at who is blatantly managing the transformation of the food systems, it’s the Chemical, Biotech companies who own 75 percent of the global seed stock, the corporations who have done so much damage to small hold farmers and the environment. Then you have Rockefeller and Bill and Melinda Gates, Banks, MasterCard etc.
To understand what this looks like, let’s look at AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) to see how the people are exploited, whilst the corporate and corporate owned entities virtue signal. Here are some of their partners:
AGRA was set up by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. They and their corporate and global body buddies, set out to transform Africa’s food system regardless of whether the people wanted them to or not. And boy, do they virtue signal about their “philanthropic benevolence.”
The reality? GMO patented seeds, monoculture crops, chemically laden agricultural methods, AGRA buying out governments, paying for studies. It’s a coup of a continent, 200 million small scale farmers in Africa want them out. It doesn’t matter what 200 million farmers want, AGRA funders, including the United Nations, keep virtue signalling that they’re helping the people.
Not content with this level of exploitation, the corporate entities hanging off Africa’s teat, now want to make it illegal for farmers to use seeds that are not patented by them. This includes SMART agriculture markets i.e. genetically altered seeds, and if the farmers don’t use it they can be penalised. Yes, complete control of the food system.
UN Food Systems Summit
My last example (there are so many) is the UN Food Systems Summit, held during the UN General Assembly in New York on September 23 2021, it was hailed as the “People’s Summit”, with the aim of setting the stage for global food systems transformation, to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030.
Australian government documents (including the CSIRO) wax lyrical about the UN Food Summit. These corporate entities are going to save the world, and the Australian government is so delighted to be a part of it.
The reality? In response to the UN Food Summit an extensive list of non government groups, Indigenous groups, academics signed a letter which raised their concerns that the UN Food Summit is a global corporate coup.
In the letter 900 groups and academics documented their “commitment to food sovereignty, and reject the ongoing corporate take over of our food systems”.
Outlined in the letter is the following statement. “Established by 1000 of the largest corporations in the world, the WEF and its affiliates have been controlling the Summit’s design, structure, processes, governance and content. Large multinational corporations are increasingly infiltrating the spaces of the United Nations to co-opt the narrative of sustainability and divert it back into the channels of further industrialization with digital and biotechnologies, extraction of wealth and labor from rural communities, and concentration of corporate power in national-global governance.”
Further coverage of the UN Food System corporate coup is here
Social engineering people’s acceptance for the corporate coup
We can see all their ducks are in a row to finalise a corporate coup in Australia. One essential thing they need to do is create enough anger and division, so the people themselves turn on each other. Instead of big corporate’s exploitative practices being on people’s radar, the people are fed propaganda to turn on their local farmers and not those winning the wealth transfer (they are shielded through their “philanthropic” endeavours which are “Saving the climate” and “Feeding the world”).
How do you create the public will for this? How do you divide and conquer so those who stand up against PPP control grids are stigmatised and demonised by the people themselves? What behavioural management techniques and propaganda needs to be used?
There are three main ways (I’m sure there are more):
Create food security issues
You create a cost crisis, supply chain issues and bottlenecks so the cost of food becomes prohibitive:
Demonise farming, and claim organic/ regenerative farming is problematic due to “equity” issues
You even go as far as comparing Permaculturalists to Nazis (search farmers protests, far right for proof that anyone who stands in the way of this global corporate is defamed as far right).
Reframe the narrative
You create the problem and then bring in the next (worse) “solution:
Through reframing the narrative you create a control grid over the whole food system, and put it in the hands of the wealthiest corporates (with government being the front man). You redefine healthy food as Synthetic Food. You say it’s an equity issue, even thought these same corporations leading the food transformation have decimated the small farmer.
Have a listen to the narratives in the COP 28 event organised by The Australian government, note the justification for sustainability, ESG, data collection, reframing the narrative (creating a story). The gist is Australian farmers need to prove to global corporate entities that they are sustainable through data collection. Why don’t The Australian representatives at the COP28 event cut through the crap and come out swinging against the corporate transformation of our food systems? As I’ve shown there are more then enough examples of what corporatising our food systems really means for independent small farmers. Australian representatives who spoke are:
Sue Ogilvy, Program Director, Farming for the Future
Su McCluskey, Australian Government Special Representative for Australian Agriculture
David Jochinke, President, National Farmers Federation
Final thoughts
When I was talking at the Reckless Renewable Rally protest I found myself saying “They’ve got their hands around our necks and they’re squeezing.” I didn’t plan to say this. I’ve thought about that statement and my sense of panic, I had spent all weekend writing up the submission to the FSANZ regarding our concerns about allowing Lab Meat in to the Australia NZ food market, the magnitude of the synthetic processes involved in the creation of the frakenfood has deeply unsettled me. Of particular concern is that under Confidential Commercial Information, the public is unable to see the vast majority of substances and processes that are involved in the creation of the Lab Meat, all patented and unaccountable. I cover the aspect here:
It’s a deeply terrifying prospect, if we are forced to eat synthetic food (as farmers are squeezed off land) and we are not even allowed to see how it’s made or with what substances.
To rub salt in to the wounds, whilst our government is partnering with the corporate barons, we are the ones who are expected to pay for it (as is the case with all the transformations going on around us and to us). Under the Public Private Partnership (United Nations SDG17) the public pays the corporate entities who are given control over our infrastructure.
To hear more about the Corporate Coup, or United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17- Partnerships for the Goals model:
I have attempted to weave together a few strands of where the Australian (and vast majority of countries) people are being led, including: what is happening to our food systems under the guise of Net Zero and Climate Change, centralised control, and the exploitation of the many by the few. We must understand what is happening on the larger scale.
Many speakers at the rally were community members, farmers, environmentalists. They had done extensive research on how the renewable energy infrastructure was going to create more damage than good, and they spoke passionately and intelligently about this. The reality is (my focus was on food, so I will stick to food for this article) it makes no sense to put renewable energy over prime farming because IT MAKES NO SENSE! That is not the point of why it is happening, and no matter how we try to engage the government regarding facts about the impacts on agriculture, they wont listen. Intentionally or not politicians are backing the food transformation where smaller farmers are no longer of value, and are demonised. You must create a collapse of a system to justify bringing in corporate ownership and control of our food systems.
In an article on NZ and their Anti GMO protections we revolve back to the Synthetic is Sustainable PR spin:
Say No to their #Synthetic is Sustainable - patented- centralised “food” system. For those of us who are not farmers buy directly from small farmers, they need our help. Farmers, band together and demand that bodies such as the Farmers Federation Australia listen to you. Quote the documents where it is discussed that these transformations should be led by the farmers themselves- call them on this disingenuous narrative and demand they follow through. Do not make this easy for the exploitative class. If enough of us do it, we stand a fighting chance.
This is SO comprehensive! You've put together the big picture and they have indeed got their hands around our necks - wasn't there even a video of a former British PM lately making that unconscious gesture of throttling the resistance? Thank you for your thorough trawling through their spin and speaking in Canberra in support of our farmers.
Quite the compilation!
It's all so disgusting and depressing ... but awareness of these evils, however unpleasant, is SO necessary. Thanks for rounding it all up.
On the bright side, I was slightly cheered up, when I saw that the especially-odious Monbiot had been included in your rogues gallery ... such a deserving tool!