Sep 25Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

“When is mining the s...t out of Australia GREEN?” — My answer would be “When our overlords say it is!”, but yours is absolutely spot-on.

“The NATO of critical minerals” — Seeing as NATO is nothing if not a robothug protection racket, the analogy is perfectly apt.

“United States Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy” — Interesting … following in grandpa Joe's ambassadorial footsteps. Nice to see she's a recipient of the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun, joining such upstanding laudable notables as (alphabetically)Tony Abbott, Richard Armitage, Sepp Blatter, Dick Cheney, Bill Gates, Robert Gates, Julia Gillard, Hermann Goring, Antonio Guterres, William Hague, John Howard, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, Condeleezza Rice, Herman Van Rompuy, Donald Rumsfeld and Strobe Talbott. My, what a lovely club!

Choice: “China again is used as the bogey man to ensure the masses don’t become alert to foreign ownership, corporation kickbacks, mass mining and environmental destruction” … and “Biodversity and communities will be threatened, but hey, it’s got to be done to reach the Paris agreement and the UN 17SDGs”

As you make so very clear, Green = UN SDG's = the globalist psycho-technocracy's smiley-faced license to not just plunder and pillage, but to get cheered on by all their captured institutions and useful-idiot hordes in the process. And surely, THAT is brilliantly diabolical.

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The only thing that's Green about all this are the Greenbacks.

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Sep 25Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

There's nothing even remotely Green about doing a mining deal with a nation that hasn't even bothered to sign the Kyoto Protocol but that's to be expected from a WEF muppet.

''According to Barry Sanders, author of The Green Zone: The Environmental Costs of Militarism, “the greatest single assault on the environment, on all of us around the globe, comes from one agency . . . the Armed Forces of the United States.”

Throughout the long history of military preparations, actions, and wars, the US military has not been held responsible for the effects of its activities upon environments, peoples, or animals. During the Kyoto Accords negotiations in December 1997, the US demanded as a provision of signing that any and all of its military operations worldwide, including operations in participation with the UN and NATO, be exempted from measurement or reductions. After attaining this concession, the Bush administration then refused to sign the accords and the US Congress passed an explicit provision guaranteeing the US military exemption from any energy reduction or measurement''.

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Who owns Australia? The miners are one...fill in the blanks for the other corps

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