Jun 13Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

From my recollection I was the only farmer at that conference! Hope you are still on to replicate that talk in my district, very good presentation and I hope to gather a good attendance for the event, including growers and farmers,and turn on a dynamic event.

Thanks for your work Kate will email you in near future. Cheers Simon

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Jun 14Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Open season for human culling:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


War on food


Bill Gates, raunchy rancher

The plan? slo-poison us!


Water poisoning


Not fast food, PFAS food:


War on poultry and cattle:


War on Pigs

No ham, bacon, sausages, pork ribs, chops and tenderloin


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Jun 14Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Thanks Kate for your tireless work on our behalf. Your reference to Planetary Scale Computation and terraforming humans and the earth is particularly interesting. Mad bastards like Benjamin Bratton are discussing the projection of biological properties onto political economy and technology with the idea of a Stack.

Five interfaces will intervene between we humans and and a series of platforms will control the way we interact with the world. Environment Layer, Cloud Layer, Address Layer, City Layer, Interface Layer and User Layer. The interface layer even has the notion of augmentation of what we see or experience. I wonder whether that will filter out the lies.

Each of these layers will have rules defining what we can and cannot do. That is a lot of infrastructure between us and the friendly farmer working at the Environment layer. I imagine the plan is to put some distance between the farmer and his direct contact with real world too. We are dealing with people who are stark raving mad. They carry the Freudian prejudice that our primitive instincts must be controlled and they plan to do it.

The big problem is that they and their solutions are inhuman. We need to understand what we are dealing with. This is not a game. We have an enemy, a very clear enemy. We need to call them out every chance we get. People who are too stupid to know what they are doing, such as some our politicians, must not be given any latitude for further betrayal. There are others who clearly know what they are doing.

I would be happy to hear from anyone interested in investigating this further.


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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Excellent work, I watched your video presentation today and I encourage everyone to watch it. So much is happening so fast.

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How right you are to highlight "carrot" incentives. They really are the devil's favourite tool.

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Back in the late eighties a wheat rust disease was spreading out of Africa and we were told that all varieties of wheat were susceptible to this rust. So for our own good all varieties of wheat throughout the world would be crossed with a new variety made by USA scientists. It was said the new variety had the opium gene spliced into it. Sounded science fiction back then. Poisoning your staple diet??

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Do you have a link to any articles on this?

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Jun 17Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Apologies for the delayed response. I have been off grid. No unfortunately I do not. At the time I first heard this I thought it was highly unlikely they would do such a thing. Today history tells us this sort of thing is common practice. Don’t forget it’s the industrial farmer who grows our poison. And the bottom line for farmers is profit not the health of the consumer. I enjoy reading your work. Thank you.

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