Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Thanks Kate, for a great public service. An excellent article that fired me up about Julia Gillard. There is a lot of money in betraying your country and its people.

Please excuse my indulgence below. These people need to be exposed for their public betrayal. I noted last night that the odious little Chief Medical Officer, Paul Kelly, wears one of those Sustainable Development Goal badges to show who owns him.

Julia Gillard is a favourite of mine. This is someone who undermined public education and promoted Charter schools by bringing in the New York fraud and champion of testing, Joel Klein. Then she brought in NAPLAN.

Then she put TAFE in competition with shady, makeshift audio-visual education companies bringing pointless courses that were cheered on by the Big Tech industries.

For this she was rewarded with a job at US think tank Brookings Institute where she became their "education champion". This was the springboard to another sinecure, Global Partnership for Education. Look at this appalling article: https://www.globalpartnership.org/news/wanted-bill-gates-education

And you can find all together in the Australian Foreign Trade article titled:

"Stability for Education", https://www.dfat.gov.au/development/topics/development-issues/education-health/education/stability

And then there is the UK version of the Gates Foundation where she has hustled her way in. Wellcome which works with the Tavistock Institute (https://www.tavinstitute.org/news/introducing-the-wellcome-element) with its long history of child abuse most recently exposed by the Cass Review for its promotion of transgenderism.

And Leapfrog Investments that doesn't mind a little Social Impact Investing: https://charteredaccountantsworldwide.com/interview-stewart-langdon-ca-leapfrog-investments/

Lastly, Beyond Blue where she has stepped down as Chair but is staying on as a patron. I just listened to the first couple of sentences describing her sad departure and replacement by our new Governor General, Sam Mostyn.

And of course she has found a Climate Change ruse to stick her name on. This woman is a real operator.

In this ABC interview with Mostyn and Gillard, we learn that Beyond Blue is changing direction and moving to early intervention. That is the model everywhere. From climate change to mental health to pandemic preparedness: Early Intervention. (https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/radionational-breakfast/julia-gillard-to-depart-beyond-blue/103221682) So, identifying something before it exists or maybe does not exist at all. Plenty of money in scaring people and making things up as the Covid-19 fraud showed us.

I might note that the ABC describes Beyond Blue as Queer friendly. Mostyn is unlikely to interfere with that nasty operation and is probably part of the reason she got the job (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-19/queer-advocacy-groups-call-for-regional-services-/101349086).

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Thanks Warren. Gillard needs a whole article for herself.

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She does, Michael.

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Jun 7Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Why does a metaphor pop into my head...the rats leave the sinking ship but they have organised lifeboats to take them to a luxury cruise liner ;) Cheers! Thanks for sniffing them out, Kate

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Jun 7Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Yes, a charming lot indeed.

One of my favourites (!) is Jeannette Young... previous CHO for Queensland, now the Governor of Queensland. What could possibly go wrong? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeannette_Young

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Thanks- I'll add her in. It may be helpful to have this information in one place.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Agreed, tracking these people is important.

I'm also watching the mRNA for animals story in Australia, which I posted about over a year ago: https://mudgeeeye.substack.com/p/all-in-the-name-of-biosecurity-full

Previous head of the Meat and Livestock Association MLA, Jason Strong, who opened the gate for mRNA research, is no longer heading up MLA. He could still be on the organizing committee of the International Livestock Congress, into "global market dynamics" etc.

Many have been involved in talking up mRNA for animals, for several years now. https://www.sheepcentral.com/border-disease-vaccine-success-aids-preparedness-for-other-diseases/ This could be another nightmare. Sasha Latypova (also on Substack) posted up some damning statistics a little while back on many pigs dying after mRNA vaccinations.

One Health includes, in its quadripartite, World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH). I have not followed this up since the latest IHR and WHO agreement signings just recently etc., but since we have a special mRNA company in Australia (of mRNA for animals), Tiba Biotech, I don't think this is going away any time soon. The narrative seems to have moved from Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) to "Border Disease". More work to do, which I have not got around to.

My efforts to get replies from politicians Saunders and Toole, who announced the mRNA for animals initiative with Dominic Perrottet, have been unsuccessful.

May 2024:


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Thanks for this info.. the APVMA are the body who will say yes to the MRNA shots for animals. They were the ones who said yes to using Fipronil off label to kill bees. They're have the same funding model as the TGA. Their biggest customer would be CropLife (Bayer, Syngenta, BASF etc). CropLife have a partnership with the UN FAO to "transform" the global food system.

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Jun 7Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

And Victor Dominello's ServiceGen is interesting. It has David Halpern on its team who is and was the head of the UK's Behavioural Insights Team. Talk about incestuous.

"Victor is working closely with the Australian New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) to develop a modern leadership course for public sector in Australia & New Zealand.".

What will this do? Help greasy bureaucrats to keep even more information away from us?

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Another person of interest working at ServiceGen is Dr Ian Oppermann- he was the NSW Chief Data Scientist. Oppermann is also on the Standards Australia Smart Cities Advisory committee. https://ia.acs.org.au/article/2024/oppermann-departs-as-nsw-chief-data-scientist.html

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Jun 23Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Hi Kate, a little more regional but this one hit hard for we of the New England as our communities and landscape is devastated by the non-renewables rollout Adam Marshall: https://www.adammarshall.com.au/progress-continues-at-pace-on-renewable-energy-development/ and now https://reneweconomy.com.au/origin-hires-retiring-national-party-mp-to-help-thread-the-needle-of-shift-to-renewables/

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He's on the list.

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Thanks.. I'll put him in the list. I've got to add in a few more politicians. Adding to this list could be a full time endeavour. Australia has been sold off - it's unreal.

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Jun 14Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Well done Kate! Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull update - Lucy Turnbull was onstage with teal MP Allegra Spender (billionaire Simon Holmes a'Court's party) in Bondi Junction last year shilling land title changes for the manufactured housing crisis. She was talking about "build to rent" where govt gives pension funds the right to build bulk units up over public spaces like Edgecliff Station but not to sell. Zoned "build to rent"

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Hi Kate - that's a really GREAT EFFORT at tracking the accolades, prizes, and rewards given to the psychopathic useful idiots and traitors for the Davos globalists cartel and their Empire of Evil.

We need a permanent page Faces of Evil - to list for all nations all traitors and enemies of humanity.

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Many thanks for your post. I am from the UK but I take an interest in what is going on down under. I have written a bit about some of the above in my own style. This is Mark McGowan with further links at the end.


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This is how they are rewarding people further down the pecking order in Canada: https://www.rebelnews.com/most_federal_departments_saw_over_90_percent_of_executives_and_managers_receive_bonuses

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Thanks for another ugly, but so necessary, rogues gallery.

“He said Mr. Morrison took joint responsibilities for the health and finance portfolios in May 2020.” — Oh the irony! Scott M, like all these slime-ball pols, never took responsibility for anything. Ever. Irresponsibility and unaccountability are at the very core of their essence.

Politicians … now there's a dirty word! From https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/the-politician-politicians

Paragons of hypocrisy pillars of mendacity

straining to maintain their altruistic fiction

politicians are absolute towers of tenacity

in fighting for the right to be shallow and hollow

and the privilege of pretending to selflessly lead

while the facts insist they do little but follow

the wishes and whims of their ungoverned greed.

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What a perfect poem- It's the altruistic fiction that gets me, the selfless veneer.

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Jun 7Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

The audacious hypocrisy of the altruistic fiction is also what gets me.

Just curious — what part did you like most: The Politician or Politicians?

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Politicians- this resonates deeply "Paragons of hypocrisy pillars of mendacity

straining to maintain their altruistic fiction

politicians are absolute towers of tenacity

in fighting for the right to be shallow and hollow

and the privilege of pretending to selflessly lead

while the facts insist they do little but follow

the wishes and whims of their ungoverned greed."

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