“We have a lot of people in Australia who still think the ABC is independent,” — As far as the ABC, the BBC and the CBC go, clearly, the middle letter “B” should be changed to stand for “Bullshitting” in lieu of “Broadcasting”; or, for those who find such a word offensive, perhaps “Brainwashing”. It's really quite simple.

Writing about Jim Chalmers you use the word “narcissistic”. That's exactly what I was thinking, as I pictured Christian Bale's performance in “American Psycho” as a model for any actor contemplating playing Jim in a biopic.

“Wellbeing” = theirs, not yours/ours.

“...and you can hear from experts in the field as to how they want to genetically engineer the human body- mind, so we no longer have any health or mental health issues.” = (hubris + madness + God-complex) x infinity

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It's all insane. I often read things and I just can't believe my eyes. It's one thing knowing it's all happening, another to find it already rolling out in programs. I like the renaming of the ABC!!

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"It's all insane." — All according to plan. All evidence points to the normalization of insanity as a prime objective of the global psychopathocracy. (Along with humiliation and demoralization of course.) But to suggest as much is thoughtcrime.

THE problem is that while it's madness and evil incarnate to we few who see it for what it is, it's not only no such thing to the normies, but often sunshine and lollipops.

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I don't call it evil. I call it, what it is: Eugenic, transhumanistic thinking.

Capitalizing human cognition. Humans and everything of nature as a ressource for economic growth, the inclusive growth for some.

Brain Capital as a field of investment for the people with the big money. https://braincapital-platform.net/

In the meanwhile they are telling the 99%: you have to change your lifestyle, economy has to degrowth.

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Thanks for the brain link. I want to explore the obsession with brains in the future..it's very prevalent in the focus on early childhood.

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It's very important to change your view and language from a psychological terms into political, societal and economic terms.

It's an old pattern known from 100-years ago to turn every discussion about society in an emotional-psychological one.

To govern by emotions was and is always dangerous. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1057/9780230592346

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I don't call it evil. It's much better to use their own terms:

"If capitalism is a virus, we are going to need a vaccine. And that vaccine is Black Lives Matter. The vaccine is socialism. https://theecologist.org/2020/jun/13/capitalism-virus

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Bravo! Outstanding work and thank you for naming what I could see and feel occurring but knew it under a different name- nudging.😉

SIBs are dangerous and they are flourishing within the school systems, even the "alternatives" like Waldorf Steimer and Montessori.😤🤐😐🤦‍♀️

Those born in the 70s, that grew up in the 80s, may very well be the last of the semi free range humans. Which means it's up to you guys to show the later borne, how to actually revolt. The skills of civil disobedience, revolutionary activism, and guerilla rebellion tactics have faded from understanding.😐🤐

#bestlearnfast #timetolevelup #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Alison McDowell talks about Montessori. Jeff Bezos has set up free Montessori schooling for the poor. In return you must put your child and family under scrutiny for data harvesting and social impact markets. It's so perverse. https://wrenchinthegears.com/2018/09/15/montessori-inc-pre-k-predictive-profiling-for-power-and-profit/

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This is an amazing resource Kate!

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I don't know if you may have already covered this in another post or video but

I was surprised to learn recently the ABS has a person-level integrated dataset https://www.abs.gov.au/about/data-services/data-integration/integrated-data/person-level-integrated-data-asset-plida

"PLIDA is a secure data asset combining information on health, education, government payments, income and taxation, employment, and population demographics (including the Census) over time."

The ABS make the de-identified data available to researchers. I found out about the dataset when looking at the footnotes of this report from the Grattan Institute https://grattan.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Patchy-Protection-Grattan-Institute-Report.pdf

Until then (I guess I was just naive) I hadn't realised they had all of that data about Australian citizens integrated in one dataset and I especially hadn't realised they made it available to researchers (even if it is de-identified), I would have thought that was a breach of privacy (linking our census responses with our Medicare etc.). Our government has been progressively eroding our privacy with each new piece of legislation they pass, so nothing really surprises me anymore. :(

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I think this was allowed through the Data Availability and Transparency Act2022. But not sure, In the reports there is often discussion about needing to change data sharing restrictions. They're going to need identified data. Thanks for the links to PLIDA and the Grattan report. https://www.datacommissioner.gov.au/the-data-scheme

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The development of Wellbeing as Performance-Management since 2007 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-02230-3_3

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Thanks. Very helpful.

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That's eugenic/transhumanist thinking: To believe the next generation can be build up as a better generation/civiliziation.


Invest very, very, very much money into this idea and a complex system of change makers/influencers. Call this "humanizing buisness" so most people think, that is something good. but humanizing buisness means biodigital convergence to make sure that next generation is biodigital predictable.

In the meanwhile you prepare war and declare, that NOW there is no possibility for searching a solution for all recent conflicts. There is no alternative (TINA-policy) make societies, states and individuals resilient, that means biodigital secure, predictable, controllable.

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Bioethics means to talk and make decisions about the value of life. Value is not only a moral category, it is also an economic category.

What is the value of a life over the lifespan. As we can see now, it's possible to expand the Human Capital Project and expanding the Social Capital, with Nature Capital and Brain Capital.

Population Economists are

Take a lot of beautiful words: Solidarity, equity, wellbeing for all, health for all, education for all, ... and have willingly or not willingly. But if you think humans are people you can treat as human animals or as objects with no right on subjectivity and dignity.

A rule based order is something different than rule of law.

And No! It's has nothing to do with "open society" and "democracy" and dignity, if british evolutionary scientists decided, that all citizens are neurotic citizens and therefore sience and burocracy have the right to nudge them into every behavior the norms on health are prescribing.

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Wellbeing economy monitor

Published 24 June 2022

Directorate Chief Economist Directorate

Topic Economy, Environment and climate change, Equality and rights

ISBN 9781804356210

The monitor brings together a range of indicators to provide a baseline for assessing progress towards the development of a wellbeing economy in Scotland.

Part of

Wellbeing economy monitor

Wellbeing Economy Expert Advisory Group


The Group consists of 12 member organisations:

Gary Gillespie, Scottish Government's Chief Economic Advisor (Chair)

Business in the Community

Carnegie UK Trust

Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)

Fair Work Convention

Future Economy Scotland

Glasgow Caledonian University


Scotland CAN B

Scottish Trades Union Congress

Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (SOLACE)

University of Glasgow

Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) Scotland


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Fascinating. I live in Europe. After watching your YouTube video, I started to look around my city's webpage and found several projects that I suppose are "social impact investing." There are philanthropic foundations that fund most of these projects. I have now sent the city an email asking what the ROI is for those foundations. I doubt they give away money for free.

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I'm really happy to hear the information has led you to having a look around locally. Impact investing is everywhere, it seems to be the new economic model. Can you please post back here when you get info on the ROI.

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They council got back to me telling me they will get back to me. So far unfortunately no information from them. I kinda suspect i will never get an answer.

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Have you looked at the privatisation of jobseeker services? They’ve been around for ages, how much comparison is there, and are there lessons to be learned?

And also the ‘basics card’ that aboriginal and low income people were put on.

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I am one hour and three quarters into your video and my wife just had to hide the knives. I was watching airhead D A Wallach talking about artificial wombs. If I ever need to explain smug, I will pull out a photo of that vegetable. His mate George Church is going to rejig our DNA to stop colds and D A can't see why anyone would be resistant to having their data shared.

These inhuman technocrats should be forced to watch a video with an audience of normal people. I would hope that they get out alive (no guarantee) but with some understanding of how what they are arguing is societally unacceptable. This whole piece seemed to scream EQUITY.

When this lot came up, I was just recovering from the Julia Gillard shot.

This is an astonishing effort, Kate. I have already shared it with a local Councillor. She can have no answer other than to be curious. If she knows 1/8th of what you have placed on the record here, she cannot help but be alarmed and she should have warned us. I will give her the benefit of the doubt for now.

What you have put forward is a challenge. Now, our leaders know that we know what they are doing. Our job is to make there are MANY of us who know they are doing. Then with our numbers we have to challenge them. This video needs to go out to as many people as we can get it to.

Thank you 1,000 times.

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Thanks Warren- It's astonishing that you can start with SIB and end up with transhumanism, through following trails.

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Thanks Kate. Just watched the full video and it is packed full of insight and information. Great work! Have shared the link to this page on the Winter Oak "impact slavery" section and will continue to draw people's attention to it. All of this needs to be widely known (and resisted)! https://winteroak.org.uk/impact-slavery/

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Thanks Paul, the impact markets are everywhere.. it's like this strange underground (but transparent) mass, swallowing up all the funding and financial markets.

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Dennis Snower and Merkel knew the "solution" already in 2018.

The Digital Freedom Pass: Emancipation from digital slavery: You can sell your data to get free.

Dennis Snower / 22 Aug 2018

Digital identity management is currently undertaken by central identity providers, with users providing their data free to digital networks that own their digital identities. If users leave their digital networks, they must leave all their digital possessions, including their digital identities, behind. This system is analogous to slavery. It is neither efficient nor equitable. Users have no assurance that the value of the free data they provide bears any relation to the value of the free services they receive. The digital networks have overwhelming market power relative to their users. This column argues for reform in the form of a Digital Freedom Pass, – the digital equivalent of a wallet containing verified pieces of an individual’s digital identity. The person can then choose which identification to share, with whom, and when, allowing emancipation from our current digital slavery.






Dennis Snower

Senior Research Fellow Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford; Non-residential Senior Fellow Brookings Institution; President Global Solutions Initiative; Professorial Research Fellow, Institute of New Economic Thinking and Visiting Professor, University College Oxford University Of Oxford

Imagine a new form of slavery – call it slavery 2.0. Slaves provide free labour for their owners; in return, the owners give them free food, clothing and shelter. Furthermore – and this is the new twist – slaves are free to leave their owners whenever they wish, but when they do so, they must leave everything behind – their belongings, their friends and acquaintances, their reputation and all other external aspects of their identity. Would a labour market built on this system be considered efficient and equitable?

The solution: Digital emancipation

There is a straightforward solution to this monstrously unjust and wasteful system: digital emancipation. Just like the emancipation from old-style slavery gave the slaves property rights over their own services, so emancipation from digital slavery must give users property rights on the data they generate.

Since users currently don’t have property rights on their data, they generally don’t know how their information is used. They are subject to manipulative advertising that exploits their data. They are vulnerable to attack by hackers. They are largely powerless in the hands of global digital monopolies. They are vulnerable to digital automatisation, enabling machines to take over the routine work they perform, without giving them the opportunity to put new, user-generated work in its place. All these problems could be overcome by giving digital users property rights over their services.

A small but growing number of insightful policymakers are calling for this reform. Recently, at the Global Solutions Summit, Chancellor Merkel suggested that digital data be priced and users be able to sell their data. It is not worth being half-hearted about this reform – improving data protection, granting users more information about how their data is used, etc. – though doubtlessly there will loud voices from the digital special interest groups calling for half-heartedness. A comprehensive solution – offering true emancipation – is feasible. We have the knowledge and technology to implement it. All that is required now is political will.

The solution could be called the Digital Freedom Pass (DFP). It involves giving each person the digital equivalent of a wallet that contains verified pieces of his or her digital identity. Specifically, it gives each person a private key for an unlimited number of recipients, who can access the encrypted data only if they possess the corresponding public key. The person can then choose which identification to share, with whom and when. This makes the person ‘sovereign’ over his digital identity, commonly called ‘self-sovereign identity’ (for excellent summaries, see Der et al. 2017 and Tobin and Reed 2017).

David Snower is Senior Research Fellow Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford; Non-residential Senior Fellow Brookings Institution; President Global Solutions Initiative; Professorial Research Fellow, Institute of New Economic Thinking and Visiting Professor, University College Oxford University Of Oxford


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Wellbeing Economy Expert Advisory Group


The Wellbeing Economy Expert Advisory Group was established in 2023.

The group provides strategic recommendations and advice to Scottish Ministers, adding value to existing initiatives relevant to building a Wellbeing Economy in Scotland including:

policy, practical and/or legislative guidance

current and future priority areas for action

opportunities for partnership working and strengthening links across policy areas

the relevance of reserved policy areas to building a Wellbeing Economy

further development of the Wellbeing Economy Monitor

domestic and international best practice

The 2023 to 2024 Programme for Government formally recognises the role of the Wellbeing Economy Expert Advisory Group to provide advice to Scottish Ministers.

Scotland was a founding member of the Wellbeing Economy Governments (WEGo).


The Group consists of 12 member organisations:

Gary Gillespie, Scottish Government's Chief Economic Advisor (Chair)

Business in the Community

Carnegie UK Trust

Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)

Fair Work Convention

Future Economy Scotland

Glasgow Caledonian University


Scotland CAN B

Scottish Trades Union Congress

Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (SOLACE)

University of Glasgow

Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) Scotland



Wellbeing economy monitor: December 2023 update


Wellbeing economy monitor

Wellbeing economy toolkit: supporting place based economic strategy and policy development


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How do we transition to a wellbeing economy?

The Scottish Government is working to make the transition to a wellbeing economy that is based on four principles: prosperity, equality, sustainability and resilience. Models and frameworks for building a wellbeing economy vary, though they share some key aspects and goals. Features of the approach that the Scottish Government is working to apply across our strategies and policies include:

Taking an open, transparent, participatory approach to developing strategy and policy, involving those impacted by the policy, empowering citizens and diverse communities

Setting a clear purpose and vision for economic policy and activity, focused on collective wellbeing

Establishing clear outcomes and metrics for measuring if and how our economy is delivering wellbeing for people, place and planet (see Annex A on Scotland’s national-level Wellbeing Economy Monitor)

Taking an evidence-based (qualitative and quantitative), whole-systems view to understand the key drivers of wellbeing outcomes, how they interrelate, and which have the greatest impact

Adopting a preventative approach by focusing interventions on upstream parts of the system to avoid negative impacts on outcomes downstream and building long-term resilience

Embedding inclusion, equality and fairness into economic policy from the outset, working with and empowering communities and citizens to gain a greater stake in the economy and removing barriers to participation

Monitoring, evaluating and encouraging continuous learning, being open to innovative and experimental approaches

Being guided by our values, set out in the NPF, to treat people with kindness, dignity and compassion, to respect the rule of law, and to act in an open, transparent way.

The Scottish Government’s strategic priorities provide clear direction for economic policy. These include tackling child poverty and addressing the twin nature crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. Scotland’s targets and legislation designed to drive progress towards these priorities and the National Outcomes, supported by a wide range of strategies, policies and regulations, can be considered important building blocks of a wellbeing economy. Within the local and regional economic development context, the Scottish Government has adopted the internationally recognised Community Wealth Building (CWB) approach as a key practical means by which we can achieve our wellbeing economy objectives.

A balanced, holistic approach should be taken to address the wellbeing of both people and planet. A broad range of environmental sustainability issues should be considered, including opportunities for protecting and restoring natural assets, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a circular economy – also recognising the range of wider benefits this can create for improving health and wellbeing, tackling inequalities and supporting green jobs and businesses. The Environment Strategy for Scotland provides an overview of the range of environmental sustainability issues that can be considered.

While the principles of a wellbeing economy are relevant across the country, different localities and regions within Scotland face different opportunities and challenges. Each area has unique geographical features – which can impact on transport links or natural assets – varying types and sizes of both economic and social institutions, and diverse populations with unique demographic and skill profiles. https://www.gov.scot/publications/wellbeing-economy-toolkit-supporting-place-based-economic-strategy-policy-development/pages/5/

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Superb resume of a very complex planning! Of course, this strategy is intertwined with many other ones, creating a web for ordinary people from which is no way out...

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HOW CAN WE TRUST THE "WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION" when they seem to have overlooked such a powerful essential nutrient with so many benefits? They never looked after us since day 1 and the world needs to know this

https://jefftbowles.com/vitamin-d3-deficiency-causes-most-human-disease/ Part 5 is based on this.

https://freespeechisfreedom.substack.com/p/the-who-and-the-suppression-of-basics Part 1

1 cancer ( breast) , Australian death data over 30 years extrapolated worldwide over 30 years., did 15 million people die earlier than need be? . Breast cancer incidence is down 83% at 60 ng/ml or 150 nmol/l How do you go and tell all the caring, compassionate people who wear pink and raise money how a simple nutrient could have saved so many and our system did not use it. Seems logical that death rate and incidence are directly proportional.


2 cancers ( breast and colon cancer) and heart disease over 30 years, did 99-124 million people die earlier than need be?


At this level of vitamin D, over 30 years did 237 million people die earlier than need be? 59 million x 30 years x 16%


The use and suppression of Vitamin D pre-WW2, given the effects in the first 3 parts, if it had been used properly since WW2, would maybe > 500 million not need to die earlier than need be?

https://freespeechisfreedom.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-part-5-the-who-and-the If all we had to do was raise of Vitamin D levels to at least the natural levels of those at the equator/tropics how much longer would lifespans be? Over 15+ major diseases shown, how can this be ignored by the health system? These graphs are hard data. Newsletter & data sources shown. We really have massive problems? https://jefftbowles.com/vitamin-d3-deficiency-causes-most-human-disease/. How many people died earlier than need be? This is one basic and do we have a whole health industry not very aware of this data.

https://qr.page/g/2sBt7xALSS9 Hidden history or suppressed, did this put public and world health almost back a century? Last 12 pages of Jeff Bowles book with his references.

If people knew this it might change the whole debate quickly.

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It's the repetition of the modern approach or pattern. to think a group of high-level people inside and around of United Nations can create a system to control nature at every level.

It's the repetition of the known pattern 100 years ago: the ideal of Marx that a harmony between society and nature is reachable. The eugenic/transhumanistic approach defines this to the task of the next generation: using nano-gene-digital-technologies to reach the perfect civilization. but there are two classes: the rulers and the ruled.

The story about that is already told. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB0fc_9J--c

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