"Governments should focus on a broader definition of pandemics rather than focussing solely on influenza".

What do they mean here that influenza should be redefined as a pandemic? I am not even sure that flu exists. "It is important that people understand their roles". So what would my role be, to roll up my sleeve and put my arm out?

Covid did not highlight problems with our supply chain unless you were Jane Halton as the head of CEPI. And determining "who holds the power" in decision making is easy. It should be up to the individual. Giving more power to the Minister than the CHO does not fill me with joy,

Recommendation 2- Establish an expert body and trusted voice on public health

Where would we find someone we could trust to do that? We do not need a CDC.

None of this is serious. None of it is about the Australian people. It is this phoney pre-emptive model that can be used to justify anything. You can build a universe on this and these people will. So much money to be made. Meanwhile, where I live in the mountains has been found to have PFAS contamination in the water:

"Sydney Water conducted an additional round of sampling of the Cascade water filtration plant after levels of PFAS discovered at Katoomba and Blackheath were higher than those at the other sites."


Autism should be considered a national catastrophe as is the impact of the mRNA / AZ poisoning. Our supermarkets are feeding us muck full of sugar and corn syrup with the approval of health authorities and now they plan to serve us laboratory food. Every level of officialdom is stacked with liars and opportunists and now we are supposed to accept every scare presented to us as fact.

Bugger them.

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Bird Flu could be the next pandemic of choice. There will be a big meeting in Washington DC in October this year. Have a look at their program. It fits well with what Kate has outlined for us here in Australia.

My guess is that the globos will launch this 'pandemic' early in 2025.


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Event 201 2.0??

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October? Like the second session of Vatican's Sinod on Sinodality?


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Great piece Kate!

I agree that nation-wide lockdowns are extremely unlikely in Australia.

Here is some 'boots on the ground' reporting from my local area:


Are you aware of something similar anywhere else?

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I haven't heard or seen of this.. thanks for bringing it to my awareness.

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Don't these theatre set pieces indicate the state governments WILL do "border" closures (which is kind of a mass lockdown of sorts)?

The alternative to outright closing the "border" for a long period is checking each person, vehicle by vehicle, as they approach the "border" to ensure their compliance to the regime (social credit score checks, of which experimental jab taking is one factor) and then turning away (or worse taking them away to one of those multi-billion dollar concentration camps that were hurriedly built in '21-'22 but have been laying idle since) anyone not deemed worthy.

But the second option doesn't require a permanent boom gate if they have cops at the border... unless they won't even have 'boot(licker)s on the ground'. Perhaps they will have gestapo drones blaring "show me your paperz!" and then the boom gate will automatically open for fellow boot lickers and ignoramuses. I recall seeing footage from China depicting this sort of scene on a highway sometime back in '21 or '22 (it's all a blur).

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Zee papers!

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Darn it Kate, every time I'm cycling around to where I'm getting plenty of restful sleep, BAM I get hit with one of your perfectly disturbing mental resets. Thanks!

Seriously though, thanks for another beaut!

“But, what’s important to understand is that the harms caused by a government policy are then used to justify an even more nefarious solution, which is what the Faultlines report proposes.” — Of course, as per SOP. The question with lockdowns, as with any “elite” directed evils, is never “were they warranted, necessary or beneficial (in any respect)?”, but “how do we improve them?” And that is how they “streamline” evil.

“Recommendation 2- Establish an expert body and trusted voice on public health” — Another cruel joke and instance of spectacular gaslighting, given that all key decisions will come from D.C. (District of Criminals) in the heart of the Pox Americana / Five Eyes empire, via PHEMCE (Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise) and its central hub BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority).

“A panel of non medical experts will be chosen to inform government on pandemic policies.” — Indeed! The odds of being “chosen” being directly proportional to the degree to which those chosen are compromised by Big Pharma / Big Gov.

“Faultlines”: “Consultations revealed concerns about the impact of misinformation circulating on social media about COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, much of it from overseas. Conspiracy theories were widely distributed.” — Note the fact that neither “COVID-19” nor “vaccines” were in scare quotes, which makes THAT “misinformation”. Anyone who has done their due diligence on the Scamdemic is aware that “COVID 19” is nothing so much as a buzzword deployed for psy-op purposes, that “sars-cov-2” is strictly a techno-fiction that only exists in-silico (created for the purpose of enabling the weaponization of an equally fraudulent PCR test), and that the so-called “vaccines” were and are in fact, nothing more nor less, than bio-weapons of mass destruction.

“ Regarding the Google and Apple partnership with the Australian government, the Application Programme Interface uses Bluetooth to create a log of other devices that come into close range:” — As a free-range human I refuse to participate in the smartphone/cell-phone surveillance universe. If only more would do likewise...sigh.

Fire ants = what Gov sees us as.

ESG = Extra Special Gaslighting.

Worth repeating: “In this new world order, where under rolling threats “no one is left behind”, those of us who would like them to leave us the hell alone have some serious upcoming challenges.”

Reject. Deny. Do not comply.

PS: For anyone interested in a poetic spin on that ugly of uglies, I offer this metric epic... https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/plandemicide

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I do hesitate a little before pressing send on these articles. I don't want to become known as Ms Doomsday, but I think it'd more important to know what's planned or we end up having the wrong conversations and approach.

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As you said "forewarned is forearmed".

As I'm fond of saying, ignorance may be bliss but knowledge is power. And when the SHTF, ignorance ceases to be bliss, but knowledge remains powerful.

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Great work - thanks. I can't share images on here, but the latest cartoon from the brilliant Bob Moran sums it all up.

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Well researched, great insights and highly disturbing!! Must Read!!

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That's impressive Kate. Thanks for that.

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Yes, there is a lot of sense here. In terms of myGov digital ID, government is already picking off different sectors individually to make collective resistance more difficult. The overarching scenario presented here could also be easily repurposed for national mobilisation i.e, kinetic war time scenarios and whole-of-society capture for war effort. Respectfully, people may be too focussed on the 'pandemic' scenario and missing other Emergencies. Thanks for your work.

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Agree.. I'm trying to keep my eye on as many emerging trends as possible. I would love to see a bunch of Australian's focusing on different issues, and keeping us all updated.

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Outstanding work -- thank you!

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Brilliantly set out. BTW Mindaroo has come up before - Legatum again? Urghh.

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Minderoo and Andrew Forrest have their fingers in everything.

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The thing is, all this depends upon people carrying phones. I don't carry a phone. By 31 October I won't have an operable phone, according to Telstra, which is shutting down the 3G networks. Why do people carry phones? Am I going to be chipped? (not)

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So, Australia is ready to go full on totalitarian? Is this common in other countries?

This is so scary.

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This is common in ALL countries that signed up to UN Agenda 21. So basically the entire world.

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Just hearing this now 4th January 2025 Glad I came across it. I seriously didn't think anyone much in Australia was covering this NWO BS I know Max Igan is and has been for years. Also Maria Zeee. The criminal UN was set up to eventually become the head of a One World Government.That is the very reason for its existence. It is a Luciferian Organisation. Have you ever checked it out? Full of their "New Age" garbage. Everything is coming from the UN Personally, I don't think you are "doomsdayish" enough! This is real, this is happening, and everyone is being lied to about everything. "We will have our NWO whether people want it or not" Just one quote of many, from these psychopaths. Think it was from a Rockefeller. Jacques Ittali, Dennis Meadows, Ted Turner, and many others have spoken openly about their plans for depopulation. "King" Charles is right at the top of all of this with his wicked family and his Green New Deal. People seem to think we must try and stop them somehow. Not happening. This has been in the works for decades. There are so many facets to this it's astounding They're close and nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to prevent them from bringing in their precious NWO. BS "Covid " BS Climate Change BS Pandemics of every kind BS Everything is for our health and safety No...everything is for our demise. How's that for doomdayish? Lol If they started shooting at everyone, we might just take cover, so they do it in a "friendly" manner by shooting everyone in the arm with poison. For our "health and safety " of course. That way the brain dead masses will line up for it. Sorry, but I am so fed up with trying to get through to people. They are devoid of critical thinking ability, they don't research, nor would they ever dream of doing such a thing, they don't know history, they are TV watchers. If the TV doesn't say it then it ain't happening. They look at you like you have 2 heads, they're silent, mostly I don't get acknowledged, and this has gone on for approximately 4 years. No more!!! I'm done!!! I will definitely continue to try and get through to my daughter though. She is my daughter and I love her. This tyranny was foretold in the bible to come upon the world at the end of the age. We are right now, at the end of an empire. The financial system is going to collapse. Why do you think they're pushing for digital currency? It's already basically here anyway. Digits on a screen is hardly a measure of one's wealth. It's all fake, just like monopoly money and it's over. The fiat money system is done. Many honest economists thought the collapse would occur in 2008 but they managed to hold it together. Not any longer. There are many, possibly tens of thousands who are well aware of the financial situation. They intend to take us back to the feudal system, to be ruled over by them, our "masters" This is most definitely a conspiracy, but there is nothing theoretical about it. In fact many books have been written explaining this very thing. They love to tell us what they're going to do. One such book is The Open Conspiracy written by H.G.Wells. One of the many eugenisists of the early 20th century. They knew they could never succeed in enslaving the masses until all their evil technology was in place. And it is evil, look what they've done. They have tried and succeeded to a degree, in destroying what it means to be human. Taken us away from the natural world. The plan was to destroy the family unit. There is a quote from a Brock Chisholm stating this very thing. Why would they do this? Because they hate us. Why? Because Satan is the god of this system and he is their master. He knows we are made in the image of God,(even if humans don't believe this, he does) he also knows his time is soon coming to an end, so he is, through his human minions, planning on taking as many of us out as possible. Destroy God's creation. That's it. The psychopaths at the very top of the pyramid are nothing but Satanic monsters. The evidence for this is overwhelming on so many levels. They're insane. They think they're going to become gods. You would have heard them talk about this very thing. I do believe it was Rockefeller who stated that "No one will enter the NWO without first pledging their allegiance to Lucifer" You see, even if the majority around us don't believe in God, these psychopaths do. Does that statement not prove it? They know he is very real and they believe they can succeed with their wicked plans. God laughs at them, we are told. The bible is full of information from so long ago, telling us about these times and to be on the watch. Funny thing is, or maybe not so funny, we are told that most people would not be taking any notice. That's exactly what is happening right now. They simply don't care. I cannot comprehend it. This is already too long but I just can't stand to keep seeing people being deceived by their fake governments and fake medical experts. All planned and coming to fruition. There's tons more to this, I could write a book, but maybe no one is interested anyway, I don't know. All I want is for people to know the truth. "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" John 8:32 Thankyou for the discussion.

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