Jan 31·edited Jan 31Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

PART 3 of 3

What that Guardian idiot, George Monbiot, is talking about is Lysenkoism. Which was a Soviet style farming project based on socialist principles like planting crops close together to encourage cooperation. It was madness and resulted in the death of millions. It is a far away from Bill Mollison’s Permaculture principles as dumping a bottle of Roundup on a seedling. See James Lindsay on Lysenkoism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0iWzzVfxBg&t=2s

There is a battle for trust and the Trusted News Initiative is one part of a system of information and social control that was turbocharged during Covid. These people are battling for our trust by concealing truth and telling lies. The real threat is people who do “their own research”. That is why social media was so heavily policed during the 2021-2022. The extremes came off Twitter in late 2022 and off Facebook 6 months later but the censoring before that and during the critical period of Covid-19 was savage and total. There were words like Ivermectin that immediately brought you to the censors scrutiny.

So they want our trust while they lie to us. That is an ambitious project but they seem keen to take it on. Its success demands similar social media control be reimposed and government legislation to frame it. People really should know that throughout the pandemic our Department of Health was running a censorship project involving the Department of Home Affairs and Facebook. The arrangement was Health had an agency working for it that identified each Australian'sFacebook activity that contravened Facebook’s own Covid policy. When one of these breaches was recognised, Home Affairs was told who then notified Facebook (See - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2zOt1WOd_Y). This was the sort of Private Public Partnership we can expect in the future if we don’t wake up.

These people DO NOT deserve our trust. We are led by criminals.

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Jan 31Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

The Guardian only hires shills. Van Badham and Katharine Murphy are other fine examples.

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Feb 1Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Thank you

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Feb 1Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

In case you haven't come across it, there's also their strategic investment fund:


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Thank you. Will come in handy.

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Guardian is donor funded. Who are the donors? I am not sure. I don't know if they publish them. My guess is large corporations because their coverage has been deferential to the WEF/UN agenda for years.

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Feb 2Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

well done this is an excellent piece. I, too, noticed the fake neo-Nazis and immediately i thought they look more like cops/asio/Antifa in fancy dress. Never met a real neo-Nazi anywhere in all my life, they just aren't a thing here, yet suddenly there are 61 of them at North Sydney Station? Bollocks. A media prop in the psychological war against any resistance to government policy. Well done this is excellent research.

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Feb 2Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Yes, I agree that this is an excellent article. The fact that the same trick is being pulled all across the world only confirms that there is indeed a global ruling clique, recognition of whose existence and criminal activities they are trying to brand "hate crime" by means of these absurd smears.

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Jan 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Thanks Kate for your hard work putting this info together. The people still asleep also think we are crazy and deluded to not trust everything fed to us through govt and media. I really despair at times. They just don’t want to know. Some family members and friends are this way.

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I found it very hard to engage with this material, and the dangerous, slippery slope that it leads to. They're conditioning the public, I also have family and friends who regurgitate msm and this forces me to be painfully aware of the spin. I think we are going to have to get familiar (and not allow it to frighten or silence us) with the hateful narrative, and then be able to speak normally about where this narrative is leading us to.

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Jan 31Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Dead right

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Mar 22Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

"I also have family and friends who regurgitate msm" — As do we all ... sadly, it's our cross to bear. And Guardian (talk about the inversion of language) readers might just be the worst.

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Jan 31Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Great article, Kate.

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Feb 3Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

It's gaslighting, pure and simple. Repeated messaging, no matter how nonsensical, that eventually wears down the barriers of normal reason. All part of the same skilful propaganda that was used during the covid era, to brainwash people. They are going to keep doing it, because it proved so successful. The end result will be complete censorship and mind control - those of us who resist the programming will be tarred and feathered as right wing extremists, no matter what the issue.

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Feb 2Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

If anyone is interested, I'd just like to add this - Permanent Canberra (the security state, the bureaucracy of Home Affairs, Asio, etc) are interested in removing opposition to govt policy by hidden methods, such as censoring social media (which they did in covid). I contend that they also invent and/or amplify these fake neo-Nazis as a psychological threat for narrative control. And I contend they also use anonymous mobs on social media that they either create themselves or get third party private foundations to create in order to use shame as a weapon against policy critics. I broke it down here with the Cookerwatch collective on Twitter who attacked an activist - https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/brownshirts-stomp-on-81-year-old

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

PART 2 of 3

BUT I found:

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) was founded in 2007 with the goal of providing an impartial, evidence-based picture of global health trends to inform the work of policymakers. With initial funding provided by the BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION and the state of Washington, IHME began with a core team of three members. Today, more than 600 faculty and staff work at IHME. LOOK AT THESE NETWORKS. It makes Capone look amateurish. It is worth reading about a little Covid projection tool IHME created: https://www.healthdata.org/about/history.

Its base is:

DHans Rosling Center for Population Health

3980 15th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98195 which is where the Gates Foundation has an office.

Sorry, went off track for a minute. You got me wound up, Kate.

Interesting to see the usual Labor grubs, like Van Badham, supporting this narrative. Interesting to note that Katharine Murphy has left The Guardian to work for Albanese. As you say, Kate, we appear to all meet on a Monday night. All the men’s groups, neo-nazis, the vaccine resistant, women’s rights activists, transgender haters, Christian fundamentalists, climate questioners, emf concerned, farmers et al. We come together and try to figure out how we can help each of these groups undermine government. Thomas Sewell chairs the meeting. Some of us even had our children mRNA injured or killed in the cause.

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Feb 1Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

It was Van Badham's interview with Phillip Adams on LNL, in which she plugged her book "analysing" the far right, and pigeonholing those who attended the Melbourne anti-mandate protests as either far right or New Age health nuts, that put me off the ABC for life. Prior to the pandemonium I had loved LNL, but Adams agreed wholeheartedly with Van Badham and confirmed my suspicion that journalism at the ABC was now extinct.

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I watched the ABC in 2021 so hopeful that a journalist would call out what was happening. .. so naive I know. There was one ABC show (maybe the Drum?) when the woman leading the show was reading out the orders we were under.. and for a very candid second she said "I feel like a dictator." It was gone within two seconds before everyone acted like everything was okay. I would really like to find that segment.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

PART 1 of 3

So our Nazis formed in 2020, just in time to help with Covid. Just in time to turn up at rallies and embarrass people whose protests have nothing to do with them.

Our friend, Josh, is big on linking just about any event as a hate crime against transgenderism. The real crime, that he fails to see, is the attack on women’s rights. Every effort has been made to paint any woman who questions transgenderism as a TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Terf). In another Australian first, some local blogger writing at The Guardian (where else?) came up with that term. So in standing for women’s rights, you become a TERF and you get a free Nazi to any event you organise.

I watched the protest in front of Setka’s CFMMEU and saw the bashing of union members too along with the shooting of peaceful protesters with rubber bullets at Melbourne's Shrine of Remembrance. I rang Andrews office that day to say I would never vote Labor again and I won’t. As an aside, have you heard that Andrews had a bigger personal staff than the Prime Minister and NSW Premier combined. .

Another one. This needs a paragraph of its own. Did you know that Andrews Chief Health Officer and new AO, Brett Sutton, has been appointed to the role of Director of Health and Biosecurity at the CSIRO? He is the perfect person to contrive links between zoonotic outbreaks, Capital Asset projects and good climate management.

This is quite a family business with sister-in-law, Jane Halton, working for the Gates controlled operation Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI) and brother Trevor Sutton is deputy Australian Statistician, Australian Bureau of Statistics. He also works at an intriguing outfit called the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) (See his activities at IHME - https://www.healthdata.org/search?search_api_fulltext=trevor%20sutton). Jump to the IHME website and the first thing you are hit with is their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy. Better described as stochastic entryism. It takes a bit of work to find out who funds this body as the new trick is for companies to hide their ABOUT US section

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I conferred with Josh Roose and he said "Nothing to see here!"

Seriously, yes! The CSIRO connection is very important. If I had the time I would like to track all the leading politicians and bureaucrats who were instrumental in the government covid response to see where they went to. Looked up Dan Andrews last night, all I could see was that he was recently in New York.

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Apr 5Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

One more thing, may I trouble you to activate the ability for your articles to be published with the ability to be played / read out? Another author I asked wasn't aware that this function could be activated on his end and reported that it wasn't too difficult to apply for this functionality to be activated 🤞🙏 - I works really appreciate it, many thanks x

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Thank you.. I'll have a look. A few people have asked this.

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Apr 5Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives


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Apr 5Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

An excellent well researched and thought out article. Congrats and very well done! I've not discovered any other home grown authors of your calibre. I eagerly look forward to reading & discovering all your past and future articles! Your audience is testimony of the censorship as you should have a much greater audience but 500 is very impressive!!! 👏👏👏

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Good one!

My oh my, what truly Orwellian Doublespeak times we live in.

What you've laid out so well, are just a few aspects of The Great Inversion/ The Great Gaslighting, in which "Far right" = sane, logical, skeptical, perceptive, enlightened, awake, independent, heterodox, freedom-loving, courageous, principled, truthful, etc...

while "Liberal" = insane, illogical, gullible, blinkered, ignorant, woke, conformist, cultish, authoritarian, cowardly, malleable, mendacious, etc...

Perhaps even more revelatory of this Great Inversion/Gaslighting are the 24 “WEF Global Risks” you list. ALL of them could easily be argued to be caused/directed BY the WEF. If that isn't off-the-charts in-your-face mockery and taunting of we the useless eater class, then nothing is.

PS: Here's my take on the orchestration of division you're sure to like … https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/versus

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This issue has really been worrying me. Your article with all the links and references really joins the dots more than I had. I am a bit overwhelmed and stressed out after reading it. But thanks for your good work. I plan to read it again tomorrow when my stress hormones have depleted and my frontal lobe a bit more prepared to process all the information.

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It's frightened me too. But I think the more we can face it, we can call it out for the absurdity it is.

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