Jul 4Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

“Managed retreat historically focused on removal due to a natural disaster, now it will be pre-emptive based on climate change modelling.” — How very Minority Report'ish precrime of them! Anything for the public good.

From Kate Green's article: “But Bolger said claims he acted with bias were nonsense, and as a Kāpiti resident himself, when it came to managed retreat he believed in the science.” — With all due respect to Kate Green, I believe she misspelled science. I believe “$cience” is the correct spelling.

Is it T-shirt time yet? Front: “Wellbeing”. Back: “Brought to you / by the people / who want you dead!”

The timing of Rosa Koire's demise, with respect to operations like “managed retreat”, reminds me of the timing of Kary Mullis's death, with respect to “PCR testing” … the timing of both were as good for the forces of evil, as they were bad for the forces of good.

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I've thought the same about Rosa.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Our political class and their dutiful bureaucrats are becoming increasing skilled at non-consultation using using their Rand Delphi / IAP2 methods. This is a much more dangerous planet than any of us realised. The one thing we must not do is seek to understand or ask what is causing these problems or to contextualise them. A short memory of past is also an aid in presenting every minor event as novel.

Secrecy around important decisions such as you have highlighted here, Kate, are the norm. To ask questions makes one annoying at best or if you ask a good question, a conspiracy theorist. We are meant to be merely fearful and reactive.

Here's a theory. You mention the 2023 UN Adaptation Gap Report and this statement: "Underfinanced. Underprepared. Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed

states". On page 48, 55 reference is made to the term 'fiscal space" which relates to funds that are expected to be set aside to meet climate change responsibilities. This is a large part of what the Conference of Parties (COP 28) meetings are about where the world's leading financial organizations come together to discuss predation on countries that can't meet their climate targets. And here is the trick. As the climate problem is for the large part artificial, the amount of money to fix any problem can be as big as the COP players and any compliant or subject government wants them to be. The IMF is a player here too with its Special Drawing Rights.

This is about building this new world "Back Better". One problem is that many of us remember an old world where our politicians were expected to at least pretend they were serving our interests. Now we are getting complete disdain.

The focus is on the young, as Ben Williamson described, this master class is building a new world with people to fit in it. The problem is that people of my generation don't fit it at all. The other problem is that we have the property that all of this Managed Retreat is designed to take. So they have to get it from us first. The young have already been dispossessed by usurious banks and the lending policies they have allowed to indulge in.

Thanks for your work, Kate. It is very important. Good luck the people in Kapiti. We are with you in spirit and friendship. Our traitorous leadership must NOT be allowed to get away with this. Their time is over.

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I want to get to the funding models, the green funds etc. In the report they say costs are already much more then originally anticipated, as well as disasters are going to much worse than anticipated. It's a blank cheque.

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Exactly, a blank cheque. It is laughable. Look at all these people happily selling us out.

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Jul 4Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Great work.

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Jul 8Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

As a member of the Thames Coromandel District Council Sea level rise Committee,S E Ward, I congratulate CALM, your right on the money. Half way through "Our" process I had to declare this way scam, for us member s/ ratepayers to dob in our neighborhood for confiscation, needless to say I did not get invited to sit on the central / final committee, TCDC played $2.5 m to a Dutch Engineering company to run the "farce".The latest Ombudsmen Report on TCDC calls for more transparency, TCDC with out all Councillor s and the Mayor present voted to ignore the Ombudsmen Report. I would to be involved with your group. Kind regards Paul Shanks

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Hi Paul. Here's how to get in touch with Kapiti Calm https://kapiticalm.com/contact/

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Jul 4Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

"Bolger is using it to imply that those who are concerned about the Coastal Adaption recommendations orchestrated through CAP are a threat to the wellbeing of the “community”." Reminds me of a wedding I attended in 2021 where a friend since childhood labeled me as "selfish: for being unvaccinated. Three points:

A) He's a great guy.

B) He was obviously parroting the prevailing narrative.

c) It's a vaccine, but taking it is not enough to protect you? Sure. Got it.

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...worst part about the whole thing is that its just another scam. They lie, lie, lie and lie. Non one calls them out, or if they do they get cancelled.

Well the cooling cycles start at the end of this year, and for the next 60 years it's going to get cooler and cooler.

It will therefore get harder and harder to lie their way out of it.


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Thank you for the link, I watched and appreciated the information.

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You are most welcome. Just wish there were millions watching it.

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Please Note:

The information in the link needs to be taught and expanded upon to all school aged children including universities to negate/amoreliate the total lies currently being taught in the brainwashing facilities aka public school systems.

Damn, I forgot! Corporations can not make money from truth.

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True, it is getting cooler....the bad weather we are seeing around d the world are man made using g HAARP, DIDECT ENERGY WEAPON, THE one In Antarctica was used to cause the Earthquake in Christchurch, Newzealand...and theinein Japan,and the fires in Hawaii, theycan target ny could try... absolutely evil.....

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Thanks for this article Kate, the whole world needs to know what these barbarians are planning.

Climate change due to man is complete rubbish. Sea levels are not rising. Small “islands” in the Pacific that people say are being covered by sea are atolls-these get bigger and smaller naturally. I believe there is slow coastal erosion, this only makes sense. But the riverine floods in Eastern Australia are what woke me up to geoengineering. Floods were occurring in the same areas every 2 months or so-didn’t make sense to me.”They” overplayed their hand again. They cause the floods by cloud seeding or whatever anyone wants to call it.

Also beware of earthquakes and tsunamis. Dews can cause earthquakes, remember last year sometime I think when 2 cities in Türkiye were pretty much epicentres of high magnitude earthquakes causing a huge amount of damage, death, and injury? Türkiye was not playing nice with Klaus and co at the time. What are the odds of 2 earthquakes getting 2 major cities on the same day?

And tsunamis can be quite easily made just by detonating undersea bombs.

Look up clintel.org for real scientists who talk real science against rubbish climate change. They challenged WEF scientists to a debate about climate change, no go of course.

We cannot let them get away with this, everyone must have their eye on the ball here.

Thanks again Kate.

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Couldn't agree more.

Climate "modelling" can be implemented with some utterly misplaced and nefarious confidence by these criminals because of the synthetic nature of the events be it "weather" and/or "health".

Geo-engineering is well practised and very obviously too bizarre for some to conceive (I don't mean to seem superior as the collective evil for example, to me, is beyond measure) as are the motives.

People should perhaps be reminded that it was an NZ scientist who came up with the "Wave Bomb" tested in the waters off Auckland for the US military and as you, of course, know Operation Popeye attempted to flood the Ho Chi Minh trail to hinder supply lines during latter stages the Vietnam war.

In the UK right now summer has been destroyed to damage crops and kick into gear shortages and damage national food self-sufficiency later.

"Bird-flu'" and the new demand for licensing of domestic fowl are very obvious but no less frightening.

What is it going to take to rouse people?

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Thanks for this reply Wiremu, I never knew an NZ scientist came up with the “Wave Bomb”-I was repeating something that Dr Vernon Coleman had said. It was just one of his passing observations I think, he probably would have referenced it to the NZ scientist, he’s pretty meticulous in these matters, but obviously I didn’t check it out. I trust Vernon pretty well.

I do know about operation Popeye though, and I have heard, I think again from Vernon Coleman that summer is decimating their crops. We all know it doesn’t normally get that hot in UK!

In addition to Bird-flu, Daily Mail Australia have reported today that some new strain of flu is going to disproportionately affect kids down under, so everyone had better get their injections. Flu jabs have dropped off, this is no good-everyone’s in trouble blaa-blaa-bla-blaaaaahhh!!!

I didn’t know about licensing of domestic fowl. Everything is off its rocker, and people don’t realise, I know. As long as people watch tv news, and radio news, especially ABC in Australia, they are only going to know the official narrative. The tv news will be the death of us all. I don’t know whether or not that’s a true statement! People’s kids are being killed by these jabs, but still they don’t seem to wake up! It’s quite amazing really! And scary of course!

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Here's an article on it - I saved it as it was getting more difficult to find.

It's all about constricting choice and self-sufficiency while driving up prices and eventually despair to make us compliant and malleable as the Tribalist bankers like Fink, Carney and those fiends the Kerrys (formerly Kohn) take control of resources through acquisition and quantification. It's heinous, evil Neo-feudalism.

All best...

"By Eugene Bingham

Top-secret wartime experiments were conducted off the coast of Auckland to perfect a tidal wave bomb, declassified files reveal.

An Auckland University professor seconded to the Army set off a series of underwater explosions triggering mini-tidal waves at Whangaparaoa in 1944 and 1945.

Professor Thomas Leech's work was considered so significant that United States defence chiefs said that if the project had been completed before the end of the war it could have played a role as effective as that of the atom bomb.

Details of the tsunami bomb, known as Project Seal, are contained in 53-year-old documents released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Papers stamped "top secret" show the US and British military were eager for Seal to be developed in the post-war years too. They even considered sending Professor Leech to Bikini Atoll to view the US nuclear tests and see if they had any application to his work.

He did not make the visit, although a member of the US board of assessors of atomic tests, Dr Karl Compton, was sent to New Zealand.

"Dr Compton is impressed with Professor Leech's deductions on the Seal project and is prepared to recommend to the Joint Chiefs of Staff that all technical data from the test relevant to the Seal project should be made available to the New Zealand Government for further study by Professor Leech," said a July 1946 letter from Washington to Wellington.

Professor Leech, who died in his native Australia in 1973, was the university's dean of engineering from 1940 to 1950.

News of his being awarded a CBE in 1947 for research on a weapon led to speculation in newspapers around the world about what was being developed.

Though high-ranking New Zealand and US officers spoke out in support of the research, no details of it were released because the work was on-going.

A former colleague of Professor Leech, Neil Kirton, told the Weekend Herald that the experiments involved laying a pattern of explosives underwater to create a tsunami.

Small-scale explosions were carried out in the Pacific and off Whangaparaoa, which at the time was controlled by the Army.

It is unclear what happened to Project Seal once the final report was forwarded to Wellington Defence Headquarters late in the 1940s.

The bomb was never tested on a full scale, and Mr Kirton doubts that Aucklanders would have noticed the trials.

"Whether it could ever be resurrected ... Under some circumstances I think it could be devastating."

New Zealand Heraldhttps://www.nzherald.co.nz › tsuna...Tsunami bomb NZ's devastating war secret - Auckland

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Thanks very much for this, very interesting. Good thing you kept it! I live about 10km from coast, and we have been talking about being forced out of our home by bushfire or tsunami! Gotta be prepared! 🙂

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Appreciate the massive effort put into this exposé. The designation "RT Hon" would seem to have been misinterpreted! Our current 'acting PM' will surely, also, lay claim to this false title!

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Climate change is a huge scam, it is not happening...temperatures have not changed get for 160years, in fact the experts, the true experts, have said itscooling.....Fake climate change is step 2 of world reset,and mass depopulation....Fake covid was step 1...

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