Put simply, “resilience” means anything they want it to mean. Like “vaccine”, they not only reserve the right to change its definition, but HAVE changed its definition. BTW, for those who may be unaware, when asked who “they” are/is, the answer is simple: think of THEY as an acronym … The Hierarchy Enslaving You. Eazy peazy.
Can't seem to escape their satanic-inversion buzzword-of-choice … “wellbeing”. Who but a technocracy cult member isn't sick to the gills of that word?
“Cost shifting”, or more accurately, “cost shAfting”.
Clearly, “sustainable” in “sustainable development” needs to be modified. In the interest of transparency, I propose “$u$tainable” be universally adopted as its new spelling.
As you say, resilience is “a blank cheque”. All eyes on the prize, “You will own nothing and be happy!”. And of course, the beatings will continue until morale improves...
The beatings will continue until you accept their definition of well-being (the beatings continue after this- but you will be adjusted), which is nebulous, non defined, and constantly shifting. The purpose for this wellbeing agenda is that people will no longer have any autonomy or understanding about what constitutes a good life for themselves and their families. Rather the government, the UN, the impact investors, and the NGO's (who really only implement the programs) decide. Wellbeing would be better framed as INTERVENTION- until you start parroting the acceptable views. And the acceptable views are: extensively vaccinate your children unquestioningly, be happy to eat toxic- synthetic food, do not question how climate change parameters have been constructed and the vested interests involved, do not question climate change mitigation strategies (which all "strangely" lead to centralised control), blame everything on climate change (e.g. the government can poison the land extensively to get rid of a fire ant or varroa mite- when the insects and bees die blame it on climate change), trust the government and their corporate partners, do not question the UN SDGs and their implications, do not question the digitalised surveillance infrastructure popping up everywhere, or the PR spin that synthetic is sustainable, or technology and bio tech will save the world, do not express that wealth and asset transfer upwards is problematic. Put succinctly- Shut up and OBEY! Parrot the SDGs and become a "good global citizen".
"...blame everything on climate change..." — Reminds me of what I've been saying forever: that apart from being a perfectly diabolical scheme/pretext for unprecedented global totalitarian control, the climate hoax / CO2 demonization operation, is also the grand distraction they use to divert attention from the ACTUAL environmental threats, which are in fact, poisons and pollution.
Thank you so much for this absolute horror. I was thinking about it all just last night. I find it difficult as my family grew up around the UN, my sister and I worked there at different times (I went to the first UN school). That's all dead.
You're far too kind on that absolute ghoul, Gerrol - The Gurning Shyster. Every utterance of hers is ghastly, over-confident NewSpeak. I didn't know of Nexus nor this ridiculous "let's get the billionaire children to care" which is just another mendacious cover for asset grabbing.
I will post this article on X etc but I'm shadow banned for protesting these same people committing genocide as I tap away.
At least quite a few people understand the bullshit that is "Climate" but not enough the synthetic "events" and the real "nexus" of criminals behind the scenes (less and less so, Larry...) as they drive us towards Neo-feudalism for the Goyim.
What can we do? We must destroy the careful innocence of their language first IMHO.
Agree, the impact investors are going to impact us all into the NWO, all whilst virtue signalling their butts off. That's interesting you worked for the UN, did you see a significant shift at any point?
It's terrifying and very clever as the breadth and scope of the malfeasance and perfidy is so vast.
My parents consorted with many big names in NYC etc but I never really talked about them much with them. Too late now. My time working at the UN was only a few short years but I do know that in the late 90's a Brazilian mafia took a slow stranglehold of the UN agencies in Rome where we were. My sister was pretty much ruined by them and then killed by Pfizer this year. Too late to ask her too, now.
Your article is dense with information so, thank you.
It is a clever agenda, but there are holes all through it. The problem is not enough people look beyond the headlines and go have a look themselves. I'm sorry to hear about your sister.
They want us to finance the building of our own digital prison.
Here in the UK Blair and Starmer want to run the NHS and the country with AI and set up a public private partnership to do this (and quickly).
Blair has done a speech on this and the NHS is keen to pursue it, they want to have every hospital bed set up with a camera.
One option is to look at withholding council tax payments (Chris Coverdale , Probity , being one example, Peace Keepers, being another and ,Martin Geddes) this can be done lawfully but the subject needs research and there is much misinformation on the net.
We currently live in a feudal oligarchy with no functioning rule of law and the current administration has no lawfu authority they are nothing more than thugs in suits.
I explained this to my local council by email and asked to be removed from the entire electoral register and they duly did as I asked.
They did not attempt to rebut a single point raised.
Steve, as a good former lefty, evil was a word I would never use. Too close to its opposite which is a formal belief in God. There is evil in the world today and Blair personifies it.
As a former sort of centre lefty, Warren, I can inform you evil is very much appropriate for money grubbers like Blair. Love the brush salesman jibe, almost makes him a decent human being!
"We currently live in a feudal oligarchy with no functioning rule of law"
That rule of oligarchy is what I call the Crown Monarchy Rule, which is as old as mankind itself - the rule of monarchies, bankers, and billionaires - and this rule of oligarchy applies to the Vatican, which is an absolute monarchy, all of the western nations, America that is ruled through the bankers and billionaires, all of the international institutions which give us TOP DOWN TYRANNY with the treaties system, they are all neo-monarchies, as are all the communist nations, and add in all the other nations that have existing and new monarchies, e.g. Saudi Arabia made rich with their western partners in oil.
The monarchies own the bankers, the bankers own the billionaires - and they are the true communists because they want a monopoly on everything. And together they now own all of us because since the formation of the Bank of England in 1694 they've stripped the wealth from most of humanity, and hidden it in their tax havens, trusts, and foundations, and impoverished the majority.
Together it this cabal that is the Evil that rules humanity.
The new Global Resilient Cities Network (GRCN) emerges from the 100 Resilient Cities Program with a unique reach, strength and legacy to understand and support the challenges of the ever-growing urban society. GRCN is the city-led organization that will drive urban resilience action to protect vulnerable communities from climate change and other physical, social and economic urban adversities and challenges.
that companies will be derisked as they invest in the infrastructure costs of moving us and building new climate proof communities. As Sean Kidney of Climate Bond Initiatives explained, the future is green bonds moving from $4trillion now to $40trillion by 2030. Green bond programs, government and private, will be at the centre of this. Blackrock's Larry Fink stated that governments can't carry these costs on their balance sheets so a phoney market will be created for private sector plunder all enabled by government. Your reminder of Blackstone adds to already inconceivable horrror.
Our Federal Government is not broke. It can't be but if the future costs and management is shifted down to the state and local council level, which are or will be, and ultimately to us then this game be played out to our disadvantage and misery. It is all built on the climate scam and as you describe the Rockefellers are right at the centre of this and have been ever since Laurance "Mr Conservation" Rockefeller became deeply involved in the 1940s. National governments under a fiat system can use their spending quite recklessly. They can even use it to undermine an economy as ours has just done.
I have just sent a link of this article to a local Labor Councillor telling her that I will hold her and her colleagues accountable should what you describe proceed to its contrived end. I understand, as you and the moderator explained, that many of our officials aren't aware of this evil. They weren't aware of the serious implications of the mRNA injections either. Just what do they know and what do they want to pretend not to know? What use are they to us?
"If you can each invite 3 or 5 people from your world that, you know, are young and believe in the promise of private sector and philanthropy to drive change, I'll go to the UN and ask for a bigger room and see if we can do this again".
Oh gosh, Kate. It sounds so organic. Maybe you could ask for a room at the UN and do your presentations from there. I wonder whether the prestige of that organisation helped her to attract wealthy philanthropists or it was just a fluke. Her golly gee performance made me bilious. She even giggled as she went along. So organic.
"I am seeing young people sitting at their boardroom tables getting seats on their family foundations and in their family businesses earlier."
Did anyone here have a boardroom meeting with their kids today? How is your family trust going? Is that the world you are seeing? It is not the one that seems to be mapped out for us at the moment. My main thought is that she is a bumptious, garrulous, effusive idiot. I would like to offer something more constructive but she is very much on board with the UN agenda.
"A really beautiful problem for us is when there's a disaster".
So they practised on people's misery on an island in the Bahamas and made their big money when Covid was manufactured. That is the sort of activity for which the UN provides rooms. I have rarely experienced someone with so little self-awareness.
Sigh!!! Its never ending is it not Kate? This particular lickspittle mob in Canberra just cannot contain their glee in accelerating the globalist agenda....2025...2030...2035.....2050 or whatever the timeline is currently for total control.
Hi Kate, Catherine Austin Fitts had an enlightening interview with Margaret Byfield on her show recently which I think you would find interesting and may help fill in some gaps. This is truly a global land grab. I highly recommend reaching out to Margaret Byfield to share notes as you may be able to help each other (and in turn all of us).
I did email Stewards Of Liberty in April to make contact- but I never heard back from them. Do you know another way to get in touch with Margaret? If you do, you can send me a private message on here.
Look up a corp WSP, look up the give away money the ex bankers and current pollie banker gave away during the pandemic of public purse to corp mates, whilst victims of robo debt - the broke and Mothers, nursing students and a single Mothers and a sweet young innocent man - a Mother's son now dead due to him being victimised for a handful of shekels; but the "Robo dunces" can't calculate up their waste and ineptitude; for yet see what the offshore WSP shares made on a buck during a pandemic WAY MORE than the shareholders ever could hope to " earn" on the consortium standard interest rate! ; A sort of incorporated piracy on public ownership by stealth- over 600 infrastructure projects in all our supposed Constitutionally democratic States? ; museums; hospitals,all being stuffed full of the shareholders' execuitive body corporates for infinity charges on the same "infrastructural projects"... all under the veil etc ad nauseaum; co investment deals set up via lobbyland - yep not just in this western windfall of a once sovereign democratic country - by stealth the "neo- lib uni parties" are selling out - our children to an indentured future with big brother data mined; followed and mired in anticompetition red tape - then with that the "dicks" at the top are erasing born womens' rights to save more money - while they and their few handmaidens are at it - using women as " ovens" for their cashed up "progressives who are inclusive" .. Women and our sex then monetized into an economic optimized domestic serfdom; without agency- our cultural and social and legal protections and our humanity and rights ...and freedom of association and freedom of speech erased too - magna carta anyone in Canberra ????? g
At the moment I'm hell bent on raising this to public awareness. If no one knows, no one will do anything. Next steps will need to be collective action, which needs people informed and entering the arena to push back effectively. I've got further areas I'm still looking at- which are flying under the radar.
Great discussion. Kate you are wonderful. This clarifies the intent behind the propaganda. Larry Fink is so aptly named. This whole topic could be resolved if governments reclaimed their public right and RESPONSIBILITY to create NON_DEBT based money for infrastructure development. After WWII in Canada the government through its own central bank, the Bank of Canada, created about 20% of the total money supply. This kept the need for taxation low and eliminated the interest costs of financing public infrastructure projects. Canada was able to afford to build the network of transCanada highways, airports, hospitals, schools and water treatment plants all without inflationary consequences. Private bankers and investment brokers hated this policy and united around the world to outlaw such "reckless and inflationary" lending. The truth of the matter is that there is absolutely no need whatsoever to incur interest-bearing debt to pay upfront for public infrastructure projects that will last for hundreds of years. The infrastructures built are national assets and their upfront costs need not be paid off any faster than the true depreciation rate of the asset. A 1 billion dollar investment for an asset that would last for 100 years only needs to be depreciated and paid for by users of the asset at a rate of $10 million a year. The cost to finance it privately however, even at the low rate of 5% annually, would cost taxpayers $50 million a year. See the trick? Your post is also being discussed here https://donfindlay.substack.com/p/last-call-for-canada
Exactly the same thing was done in Australia, New Zealand, and other places.
Hitler used debt free money to rebuilt Germany 1933-1936. - the only nation in the world that in the middle of the bankers Great Depression was booming.
Libya did the same which is why they murdered Gaddafi and turned it into a shithole.
Hi Kate, thank you for a really great article illustrating the increasing unsustainability of our western governments - this is the same problem all over the world.
But there is ONE BIG ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM which is why we are where we are, which nobody in the west, or at least anyone that can be heard, is talking about.
The reason we are all BANKRUPT is because we live under the globalized SLAVERY SYSTEM of the PRIVATELY OWNED CENTRAL BANKS CARTEL - which is a gigantic parasitic wealth extraction machine, where EVERYONE, but especially our governments, are trapped inside their DEBT + INTEREST wealth extraction machine.
Our corrupt governments, who by the very definition as the CROWN, shows us their true masters - the monarchies, the banksters and the billionaires - the rule of oligarchy - the governments GAVE AWAY the rights to CREATE MONEY - and thus they BORROW MONEY from the BOND MARKETS which becomes DEBT + INTEREST - which must be CLAWED from the populations as TAXES.
Even with cash we are not free - all cash is CENTRAL BANKERS CASH - even though we have an element of freedom and privacy with it but still all cash is released into the economy via the retail banks and governments as DEBT + INTEREST to the banksters.
In nations where the government took over the role of CENTRAL BANKING the nations were PROSPEROUS - but shortly after the leaders who did this were dead. Or at war. Three simple examples illustrate the points.
1. 1933 - 1936 Germany under Hitler took over the central bank and put it to work to rebuild the nation and by the Olympics of 1936 Germany, in the middle of the GREAT DEPRESSION the international bankers had created, was booming - and 7 million unemployed Germans from 1933 were back to work, 2 million homeless were back in housing, and they built infrastructure like crazy.
2. 1963 - President John F. Kennedy spoke about a 'monolithic EVIL' that was opposing FREEDOM and representative government, and he started PRINTING HIS OWN CURRENCY bypassing the Federal Reserve - which is privately owned by the banks that are 'too big to fail' because they own the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM!!!! A week after Kennedy made this statement he was shot dead in multiple crossfire.
3. Libya - Colonel Gaddafi - Under Gaddafi Libya was a prosperous, booming economy, with numerous amazing infrastructure projects going - because he refused to allow the western Central Banks Cartel to run his monetary system, and he produced money debt free and interest free and so the nations was prosperous and booming. He wanted to export this model all over Africa. In 2009 he stood up at the United Nations and railed against the tyranny of the western nations in a 90 minute speech that is riveting and well worth watching. Then the western media went to work to demonize him, and the west attacked him, and executed him. Now look at Libya.
The CENTRAL BANKS have always tried to HIDE who owns therm, but we know who owns them, because they were created in the AGE OF MONARCHY - the Monarchies chartered EVERYTHING - they chartered all the MULTINATIONALS that waged war on the rest of the world and raped, pillaged, and plundered the wealth and resources as they CONTINUE TO DO TODAY, and the monarchies are one of the investors. The true owners of the central banks are the:
Monarchies, bankers, and billionaires.
The true oligarchial EVIL that rules our planet to this day.
The elephant in the room is that we live in a gigantic parasitic wealth extraction monopoly system under the power of the privately owned MONEY MONOPOLY and the privately owned and globalized MONOPOLY CAPITALISM model - and they've soaked up more than half the wealth in the world today as the top 1% owns about 50% of everything, and the top 10% after them owns another 40%, where as the majority 90% has only 10% of all the wealth in the world to share.
Put simply, “resilience” means anything they want it to mean. Like “vaccine”, they not only reserve the right to change its definition, but HAVE changed its definition. BTW, for those who may be unaware, when asked who “they” are/is, the answer is simple: think of THEY as an acronym … The Hierarchy Enslaving You. Eazy peazy.
Can't seem to escape their satanic-inversion buzzword-of-choice … “wellbeing”. Who but a technocracy cult member isn't sick to the gills of that word?
“Cost shifting”, or more accurately, “cost shAfting”.
Clearly, “sustainable” in “sustainable development” needs to be modified. In the interest of transparency, I propose “$u$tainable” be universally adopted as its new spelling.
As you say, resilience is “a blank cheque”. All eyes on the prize, “You will own nothing and be happy!”. And of course, the beatings will continue until morale improves...
The beatings will continue until you accept their definition of well-being (the beatings continue after this- but you will be adjusted), which is nebulous, non defined, and constantly shifting. The purpose for this wellbeing agenda is that people will no longer have any autonomy or understanding about what constitutes a good life for themselves and their families. Rather the government, the UN, the impact investors, and the NGO's (who really only implement the programs) decide. Wellbeing would be better framed as INTERVENTION- until you start parroting the acceptable views. And the acceptable views are: extensively vaccinate your children unquestioningly, be happy to eat toxic- synthetic food, do not question how climate change parameters have been constructed and the vested interests involved, do not question climate change mitigation strategies (which all "strangely" lead to centralised control), blame everything on climate change (e.g. the government can poison the land extensively to get rid of a fire ant or varroa mite- when the insects and bees die blame it on climate change), trust the government and their corporate partners, do not question the UN SDGs and their implications, do not question the digitalised surveillance infrastructure popping up everywhere, or the PR spin that synthetic is sustainable, or technology and bio tech will save the world, do not express that wealth and asset transfer upwards is problematic. Put succinctly- Shut up and OBEY! Parrot the SDGs and become a "good global citizen".
Well said.
"...blame everything on climate change..." — Reminds me of what I've been saying forever: that apart from being a perfectly diabolical scheme/pretext for unprecedented global totalitarian control, the climate hoax / CO2 demonization operation, is also the grand distraction they use to divert attention from the ACTUAL environmental threats, which are in fact, poisons and pollution.
E wa
Thank you so much for this absolute horror. I was thinking about it all just last night. I find it difficult as my family grew up around the UN, my sister and I worked there at different times (I went to the first UN school). That's all dead.
You're far too kind on that absolute ghoul, Gerrol - The Gurning Shyster. Every utterance of hers is ghastly, over-confident NewSpeak. I didn't know of Nexus nor this ridiculous "let's get the billionaire children to care" which is just another mendacious cover for asset grabbing.
I will post this article on X etc but I'm shadow banned for protesting these same people committing genocide as I tap away.
At least quite a few people understand the bullshit that is "Climate" but not enough the synthetic "events" and the real "nexus" of criminals behind the scenes (less and less so, Larry...) as they drive us towards Neo-feudalism for the Goyim.
What can we do? We must destroy the careful innocence of their language first IMHO.
Managed Retreat is forced displacement.
Agree, the impact investors are going to impact us all into the NWO, all whilst virtue signalling their butts off. That's interesting you worked for the UN, did you see a significant shift at any point?
It's terrifying and very clever as the breadth and scope of the malfeasance and perfidy is so vast.
My parents consorted with many big names in NYC etc but I never really talked about them much with them. Too late now. My time working at the UN was only a few short years but I do know that in the late 90's a Brazilian mafia took a slow stranglehold of the UN agencies in Rome where we were. My sister was pretty much ruined by them and then killed by Pfizer this year. Too late to ask her too, now.
Your article is dense with information so, thank you.
It is a clever agenda, but there are holes all through it. The problem is not enough people look beyond the headlines and go have a look themselves. I'm sorry to hear about your sister.
Thank you.
Agreed - dystopian wet dreams of bored supremacists: bound to fail but hugely dangerous and destructive (I agree with CAFitts).
They want us to finance the building of our own digital prison.
Here in the UK Blair and Starmer want to run the NHS and the country with AI and set up a public private partnership to do this (and quickly).
Blair has done a speech on this and the NHS is keen to pursue it, they want to have every hospital bed set up with a camera.
One option is to look at withholding council tax payments (Chris Coverdale , Probity , being one example, Peace Keepers, being another and ,Martin Geddes) this can be done lawfully but the subject needs research and there is much misinformation on the net.
We currently live in a feudal oligarchy with no functioning rule of law and the current administration has no lawfu authority they are nothing more than thugs in suits.
I explained this to my local council by email and asked to be removed from the entire electoral register and they duly did as I asked.
They did not attempt to rebut a single point raised.
Blair is barely human. He comes across like an overly eager brush salesman.
The word evil should not be used likely but it fits the demonic entity called Blair🤝👍
Steve, as a good former lefty, evil was a word I would never use. Too close to its opposite which is a formal belief in God. There is evil in the world today and Blair personifies it.
As a former sort of centre lefty, Warren, I can inform you evil is very much appropriate for money grubbers like Blair. Love the brush salesman jibe, almost makes him a decent human being!
"We currently live in a feudal oligarchy with no functioning rule of law"
That rule of oligarchy is what I call the Crown Monarchy Rule, which is as old as mankind itself - the rule of monarchies, bankers, and billionaires - and this rule of oligarchy applies to the Vatican, which is an absolute monarchy, all of the western nations, America that is ruled through the bankers and billionaires, all of the international institutions which give us TOP DOWN TYRANNY with the treaties system, they are all neo-monarchies, as are all the communist nations, and add in all the other nations that have existing and new monarchies, e.g. Saudi Arabia made rich with their western partners in oil.
The monarchies own the bankers, the bankers own the billionaires - and they are the true communists because they want a monopoly on everything. And together they now own all of us because since the formation of the Bank of England in 1694 they've stripped the wealth from most of humanity, and hidden it in their tax havens, trusts, and foundations, and impoverished the majority.
Together it this cabal that is the Evil that rules humanity.
Yes! I live in a "Resilient City" in Mexico and found the documents that reveal it is financed by The Rockefeller Foundation.
Guadalajara Metropolitan Area’s Resilience Journey https://resilientcitiesnetwork.org/guadalajara-metropolitan-area
The new Global Resilient Cities Network (GRCN) emerges from the 100 Resilient Cities Program with a unique reach, strength and legacy to understand and support the challenges of the ever-growing urban society. GRCN is the city-led organization that will drive urban resilience action to protect vulnerable communities from climate change and other physical, social and economic urban adversities and challenges.
With support from The Rockefeller Foundation and other funding partners, the Network aims to continue supporting cities and their Chief Resilience Officers in future-proofing their communities and critical infrastructure. https://web.archive.org/web/20201101085906/https://www.rockpa.org/project/global-resilient-cities-network
RESILIENT CITIES SHAPING A DIGITAL WORLD Latin America and The Caribbean Edition July 2020 https://resilientcitiesnetwork.org/downloadable_resources/Programs/ConceptPaper-ResilientCitiesShapingADigitalWorld(EN).pdf
Another great article, Kate. You mentioned at this point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6CxsE-okRI&t=2355s
that companies will be derisked as they invest in the infrastructure costs of moving us and building new climate proof communities. As Sean Kidney of Climate Bond Initiatives explained, the future is green bonds moving from $4trillion now to $40trillion by 2030. Green bond programs, government and private, will be at the centre of this. Blackrock's Larry Fink stated that governments can't carry these costs on their balance sheets so a phoney market will be created for private sector plunder all enabled by government. Your reminder of Blackstone adds to already inconceivable horrror.
Our Federal Government is not broke. It can't be but if the future costs and management is shifted down to the state and local council level, which are or will be, and ultimately to us then this game be played out to our disadvantage and misery. It is all built on the climate scam and as you describe the Rockefellers are right at the centre of this and have been ever since Laurance "Mr Conservation" Rockefeller became deeply involved in the 1940s. National governments under a fiat system can use their spending quite recklessly. They can even use it to undermine an economy as ours has just done.
I have just sent a link of this article to a local Labor Councillor telling her that I will hold her and her colleagues accountable should what you describe proceed to its contrived end. I understand, as you and the moderator explained, that many of our officials aren't aware of this evil. They weren't aware of the serious implications of the mRNA injections either. Just what do they know and what do they want to pretend not to know? What use are they to us?
Did you listen to the philanthropist at the end of the article? I'd be interested in your thoughts.
"If you can each invite 3 or 5 people from your world that, you know, are young and believe in the promise of private sector and philanthropy to drive change, I'll go to the UN and ask for a bigger room and see if we can do this again".
Oh gosh, Kate. It sounds so organic. Maybe you could ask for a room at the UN and do your presentations from there. I wonder whether the prestige of that organisation helped her to attract wealthy philanthropists or it was just a fluke. Her golly gee performance made me bilious. She even giggled as she went along. So organic.
"I am seeing young people sitting at their boardroom tables getting seats on their family foundations and in their family businesses earlier."
Did anyone here have a boardroom meeting with their kids today? How is your family trust going? Is that the world you are seeing? It is not the one that seems to be mapped out for us at the moment. My main thought is that she is a bumptious, garrulous, effusive idiot. I would like to offer something more constructive but she is very much on board with the UN agenda.
"A really beautiful problem for us is when there's a disaster".
Does she know what she is saying? I think she does. Which big university did she go to? Let me check. I am backing Harvard. I'll come back in a second. OK missed that one. It is University of Pennsylvania where she studied Sociology (one of the key places for SEL https://www.gse.upenn.edu/academics/professional-development-continuing-education/social-emotional-teaching-and-learning) and she went to a preparatory day and boarding high school for young women.
So they practised on people's misery on an island in the Bahamas and made their big money when Covid was manufactured. That is the sort of activity for which the UN provides rooms. I have rarely experienced someone with so little self-awareness.
"Rachel previously spent eight years as Special Assistant to Ambassador Nancy Rubin, U.S. Representative to the U.N. Human Rights Commission."
Thanks Ross. yes the politicians are complicit in their ignorance at this point. They've had enough time.
Thanks for all your work Kate! I think people don’t realise how important your work is. I’ll try and help get word out.
Thank you!!
No worries!
Sigh!!! Its never ending is it not Kate? This particular lickspittle mob in Canberra just cannot contain their glee in accelerating the globalist agenda....2025...2030...2035.....2050 or whatever the timeline is currently for total control.
It's warming itself up now. Climate change is the gift that will keep giving for the nefarious.
Hi Kate, Catherine Austin Fitts had an enlightening interview with Margaret Byfield on her show recently which I think you would find interesting and may help fill in some gaps. This is truly a global land grab. I highly recommend reaching out to Margaret Byfield to share notes as you may be able to help each other (and in turn all of us).
I did email Stewards Of Liberty in April to make contact- but I never heard back from them. Do you know another way to get in touch with Margaret? If you do, you can send me a private message on here.
Sorry I don't.
I was able to find her LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) profiles.
And this profile with a phone number and other contact info (you have to install their app or get an account to get all the contact info): https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Margaret-Byfield/300866701
Look up a corp WSP, look up the give away money the ex bankers and current pollie banker gave away during the pandemic of public purse to corp mates, whilst victims of robo debt - the broke and Mothers, nursing students and a single Mothers and a sweet young innocent man - a Mother's son now dead due to him being victimised for a handful of shekels; but the "Robo dunces" can't calculate up their waste and ineptitude; for yet see what the offshore WSP shares made on a buck during a pandemic WAY MORE than the shareholders ever could hope to " earn" on the consortium standard interest rate! ; A sort of incorporated piracy on public ownership by stealth- over 600 infrastructure projects in all our supposed Constitutionally democratic States? ; museums; hospitals,all being stuffed full of the shareholders' execuitive body corporates for infinity charges on the same "infrastructural projects"... all under the veil etc ad nauseaum; co investment deals set up via lobbyland - yep not just in this western windfall of a once sovereign democratic country - by stealth the "neo- lib uni parties" are selling out - our children to an indentured future with big brother data mined; followed and mired in anticompetition red tape - then with that the "dicks" at the top are erasing born womens' rights to save more money - while they and their few handmaidens are at it - using women as " ovens" for their cashed up "progressives who are inclusive" .. Women and our sex then monetized into an economic optimized domestic serfdom; without agency- our cultural and social and legal protections and our humanity and rights ...and freedom of association and freedom of speech erased too - magna carta anyone in Canberra ????? g
How do we STOP this Kate?
At the moment I'm hell bent on raising this to public awareness. If no one knows, no one will do anything. Next steps will need to be collective action, which needs people informed and entering the arena to push back effectively. I've got further areas I'm still looking at- which are flying under the radar.
Great discussion. Kate you are wonderful. This clarifies the intent behind the propaganda. Larry Fink is so aptly named. This whole topic could be resolved if governments reclaimed their public right and RESPONSIBILITY to create NON_DEBT based money for infrastructure development. After WWII in Canada the government through its own central bank, the Bank of Canada, created about 20% of the total money supply. This kept the need for taxation low and eliminated the interest costs of financing public infrastructure projects. Canada was able to afford to build the network of transCanada highways, airports, hospitals, schools and water treatment plants all without inflationary consequences. Private bankers and investment brokers hated this policy and united around the world to outlaw such "reckless and inflationary" lending. The truth of the matter is that there is absolutely no need whatsoever to incur interest-bearing debt to pay upfront for public infrastructure projects that will last for hundreds of years. The infrastructures built are national assets and their upfront costs need not be paid off any faster than the true depreciation rate of the asset. A 1 billion dollar investment for an asset that would last for 100 years only needs to be depreciated and paid for by users of the asset at a rate of $10 million a year. The cost to finance it privately however, even at the low rate of 5% annually, would cost taxpayers $50 million a year. See the trick? Your post is also being discussed here https://donfindlay.substack.com/p/last-call-for-canada
Exactly the same thing was done in Australia, New Zealand, and other places.
Hitler used debt free money to rebuilt Germany 1933-1936. - the only nation in the world that in the middle of the bankers Great Depression was booming.
Libya did the same which is why they murdered Gaddafi and turned it into a shithole.
You are right. It's also why they destroyed Germany.
That Gerry is scary, would not let her have any sharp objects. If that is the calibre of young billionaire, they won't be billionaires for long.
Hi Kate, thank you for a really great article illustrating the increasing unsustainability of our western governments - this is the same problem all over the world.
But there is ONE BIG ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM which is why we are where we are, which nobody in the west, or at least anyone that can be heard, is talking about.
The reason we are all BANKRUPT is because we live under the globalized SLAVERY SYSTEM of the PRIVATELY OWNED CENTRAL BANKS CARTEL - which is a gigantic parasitic wealth extraction machine, where EVERYONE, but especially our governments, are trapped inside their DEBT + INTEREST wealth extraction machine.
Our corrupt governments, who by the very definition as the CROWN, shows us their true masters - the monarchies, the banksters and the billionaires - the rule of oligarchy - the governments GAVE AWAY the rights to CREATE MONEY - and thus they BORROW MONEY from the BOND MARKETS which becomes DEBT + INTEREST - which must be CLAWED from the populations as TAXES.
Even with cash we are not free - all cash is CENTRAL BANKERS CASH - even though we have an element of freedom and privacy with it but still all cash is released into the economy via the retail banks and governments as DEBT + INTEREST to the banksters.
In nations where the government took over the role of CENTRAL BANKING the nations were PROSPEROUS - but shortly after the leaders who did this were dead. Or at war. Three simple examples illustrate the points.
1. 1933 - 1936 Germany under Hitler took over the central bank and put it to work to rebuild the nation and by the Olympics of 1936 Germany, in the middle of the GREAT DEPRESSION the international bankers had created, was booming - and 7 million unemployed Germans from 1933 were back to work, 2 million homeless were back in housing, and they built infrastructure like crazy.
2. 1963 - President John F. Kennedy spoke about a 'monolithic EVIL' that was opposing FREEDOM and representative government, and he started PRINTING HIS OWN CURRENCY bypassing the Federal Reserve - which is privately owned by the banks that are 'too big to fail' because they own the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM!!!! A week after Kennedy made this statement he was shot dead in multiple crossfire.
3. Libya - Colonel Gaddafi - Under Gaddafi Libya was a prosperous, booming economy, with numerous amazing infrastructure projects going - because he refused to allow the western Central Banks Cartel to run his monetary system, and he produced money debt free and interest free and so the nations was prosperous and booming. He wanted to export this model all over Africa. In 2009 he stood up at the United Nations and railed against the tyranny of the western nations in a 90 minute speech that is riveting and well worth watching. Then the western media went to work to demonize him, and the west attacked him, and executed him. Now look at Libya.
The CENTRAL BANKS have always tried to HIDE who owns therm, but we know who owns them, because they were created in the AGE OF MONARCHY - the Monarchies chartered EVERYTHING - they chartered all the MULTINATIONALS that waged war on the rest of the world and raped, pillaged, and plundered the wealth and resources as they CONTINUE TO DO TODAY, and the monarchies are one of the investors. The true owners of the central banks are the:
Monarchies, bankers, and billionaires.
The true oligarchial EVIL that rules our planet to this day.
The elephant in the room is that we live in a gigantic parasitic wealth extraction monopoly system under the power of the privately owned MONEY MONOPOLY and the privately owned and globalized MONOPOLY CAPITALISM model - and they've soaked up more than half the wealth in the world today as the top 1% owns about 50% of everything, and the top 10% after them owns another 40%, where as the majority 90% has only 10% of all the wealth in the world to share.
This is the evil, inconvenient, and ugly truth.
Ivan M. Paton
How convenient now that central banks have printed everyone but them and their friend into serfs