Five lies: It's for your own good. It's for my own good. It's for OUR own good. It's for the good of the people. It's for the good of the planet. Two truths: It's for THEIR good. You'll own nothing and THEY'll be happy.

“This is classic government community consultation. Limiting your response so they can use it to justify their plans.” — Exactly … something of a response Overton window.

Computer models, as always, being the key to the sick conjurers' tricks, it's hardly a wonder that garbage-in/garbage-out is globocap's best friend. What we're dealing with is, among other things, “scientific” fraud as a business model.

But of course, as with the best laid plans of mice and men, all this evil doesn't HAVE to happen.

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so much to get your head around. too many consultants and public servants with too much time on their hands. the curse of 'modelling'. thanks Kate.

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The government keeps creating "independent" task forces and Authorities. Every time I turn around another one has popped up.

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yes ! it is interesting go to the Wspsite ! Greenfielding and profit on our once public assets ! The reason why the West lands stocks are all being moved into international consortiums by stealth ! Look at the privatised trillions going into others like transu..., it is democratic destruction via economic carteling

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I'm just putting this here, have come across it today investigating something else, but has a few keywords in it: Australian Federal Government climate change, 2050, more women in the workforce, etc etc. Ignore it if you like, I can't keep up with it all. Love your work. https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/infrastructure-policy-statement-20231114.pdf November 14, 2023

This too, Infrastructure Australia - looking for more power...?


Sorry, "IA Act" is old, Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 https://www.infrastructureaustralia.gov.au/publications/assessment-framework

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Thank you Elizabeth... I am currently writing a piece on the government Strengthening Democracy paper (it's as disturbing as it sounds) and the next one after that will be infrastructure, green and climate bonds, so these links are helpful.

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This is the UN AGENDA21 that 178 countries signed onto in 1992 with the promise to make big money going green. This can be beat but it needs to be at the local level where it is the weakest. It’s a plan to own all land, all utilities, all water, all people, all roads, everything. Read agenda21 along with the book BEHIND THE GREEN MASK by Rosa Koire . To read just a21 it sounds good you need to read between the lines. You can clearly see Rosa Koire is right when you look at what’s happening around the world. A group in Canada, Gather 2030 is fighting this they encourage everyone follow and do the same to stop this agenda. They are on Substack. By 2050 they plan to have full control.

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Hi Kate, well done on Agenda 2030 for Australia (where I used to live) and New Zealand (where I now live). I came upon you from your YouTube posted on the Facebook group International Rockstars and on Robin Westenra’s repost of one of your articles.

Maybe you know this article?

NEW ZEALAND’S ROAD TO UN AGENDA 2030 by Brian Aiken, Nov 16, 2020

Jacinda Ardern at a private gathering in New York hosted by Bill and Melinda Gates:

“My government is doing something that many other countries have never tried. We will incorporate the principles of the 2030 Agenda into domestic policy making and promote system-level action. I want…I believe that the change in approach adopted in New Zealand is needed on a global scale.”


Get free, stay free.

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Thanks for these links.. so much to learn!! I just had a quick look at Robin's information and then ordered the book Air Cons, which he recommends.

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Kate, more for you from a Free Friend here in NZ.


The LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING AGENCY (LGFA) was set up under the Local Government Act 2011. No New Zealand local government agency or organization, city or regional council can borrow unless it borrows funds through the LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING AGENCY (LGFA), a Limited Liability Company - and to do so, each borrower council must sign an [unscrupulous] GUARANTEE & INDEMNITY DOCUMENT putting all Ratepayers' properties with their rates revenues up for security against the debt.

If any Local Government debt in the future becomes unsustainable, or if a council defaults on its debt, then the overseas bankers can extract what is owed, by way of extortionist rates rises from ALL ratepayers, and if they can't pay, the bankers can sell or confiscate the ratepayers' properties, homes, farms and anything else to recover the debt (which incidentally is growing enormously by the day and is completely out of control).

This right now means all local government and central government elections are now a complete and utter farce and we are living under a tyranny already. It also means all political parties and politicians, who do not recognise this, are themselves also a farce. All other issues are subordinate to this primary fundamental issue, because historically, the cornerstone of democracy has always been the right of all citizens to freely own private property - and whenever this has been removed, as it has been in this GUARANTEE (although most people don't know it yet), you are then living in a Fascist or Communist dictatorship.

For people who struggle to understand this legal jargon. Simplified, the LGFA's debt obligations are guaranteed by its council shareholders, borrower and guarantor councils [WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF RATEPAYERS] on behalf of ratepayers. Each borrower council must sign the GUARANTEE. All councils in NZ that have borrowed off the LGFA have treacherously signed the GUARANTEE. Tauranga City Council Mayor Crosby was the first. Surely, even a first year high school child would never sign such a treacherous document as this imposing such blatant, potential dire consequences on those he represents.

To hide who these criminal banking pirates actually are from the uninformed and simple-minded, the lawyers have created a "SECURITY TRUSTEE" who acts on behalf of the BENEFICIARIES (the secret overseas bankers involved).

While the chickens haven't quite come home to roost yet and the bankers haven't begun confiscating homes or farms as they plan, you might like to do yourself a small favour by first reading about the stupendous powers the "Security Trustee" has over the borrowers and the ratepayers they represent in the 116-page GUARANTEE AND INDEMNITY DOCUMENT - and learn a bit more about the SECURITY TRUST DEED and view the LIST OF LGFA GUARANTORS AS AT 31 MARCH 2023 to appreciate exactly who all the principal treacherous mayors actually are.

Here, just for the record, is the latest "LGFA STATEMENT OF INTENT 2023-2026" for those who may appreciate what level of debt they are dealing with:

Therefore, this all means, with the greatest of respect, that the greatest attack against private property rights and freedom in NZ may not end up coming from Central Government at all, and the bankers that in turn control it. It may very well come from a most unlikely candidate - your friendly Local Government Councillor or Mayor, someone you all thought was a good guy, you voted for and thought was acting in your and your family's best interests."


“All the problems of the man who fears for his humanity come down to the same question: how to remain free?” Stefan Zweig

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What a "transparent" Local Government Funding Agency website.... "The material on this web page and the web pages accessed through this web page (together, the "Website") is for distribution only to persons in New Zealand and to other persons to whom distribution of the Website is permitted by all applicable laws, regulations, directives and any listing rules of any applicable stock exchange (together, "applicable laws"). Each person accessing this Website confirms that they are, and that any other user is, a person who is entitled to do so under all applicable laws."

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Each person confirms they have volunteered to be enslaved; you will be owned and happy to be rid of the burden of Responsible Freedom. Thank you.

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You think adopting these policy is good? Bill and Melinda Gates is good? The very man who says he wants to depopulate the world of people! Hmm. Agenda 2030,2040,2045, and 2050 are all milestones to control everything including you. Anyone who is paying attention to other countries more advanced in this plan can see this. The people in these more advanced countries in this plan have been warning the world on how their freedoms are being stripped away all under the guise of climate change.

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Great article. Thanks for all the work you've put into it.

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I have to say this is a very disturbing read. All of humanity needs to wake up to what is happening in every country around the globe. We are all being "played" as they put the puzzle pieces together slowly but surely to enslave us all. I invite others to read Gather 2030 Substack , as they have put together documents and presentations to get in front of local municipal councillors and to help be effective in communicating the dangers of what we are all facing.


Canada signed on the to UN Agenda in 1992 under PM Mulroney and have slowly and quietly been implementing their plan ever since. The ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT compound is being built in Geneva Switzerland as we speak, with armed security and gates all around the perimeter (Dell Bigtree took a short video when he was there) and the BIS that controls everything monetarily is now headquartered in Kazakhstan.

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"...the BIS that controls everything monetarily is now headquartered in Kazakhstan." — Really? You might want to pass that news on to the folks who work for the BIS in the Tower of Basel.

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There is another building being built in Astana, Kazakhtan...you can look it up and see it. US Lawyer Todd Callender, Dr. Lee Vliet and SGT Report were speaking about it on this video. They start around the 19 minute mark and then around minute 26 with the new BIS building that is a glass pyramid, not kidding....Watch this video around the 19 minute mark when the clip of Dell Bigtree taking a video in Geneva is played explaining that the World Government headquarters are currently being built in Geneva Switzerland.... https://api.bitchute.com/embed/RUaZFAnXeUJd/

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"...around minute 26 with the new BIS building that is a glass pyramid, not kidding..." — Again, really? The pyramid pictured in the video is in fact this one ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace_of_Peace_and_Reconciliation

No mention of BIS.

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Wikipedia? Really? You know they edit and censor whatever they want…not a good source of info…just my 2 cents

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Yes, I know all about Wikipedia.

From Britannica's article on Astana " Nazarbayev also employed British architect Norman Foster to design the new Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, a 203-foot- (62-metre-) high pyramid that includes, among other things, a library and an opera house."

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Not on my watch! Australian men need to discover their balls and stand up, shoulder to shoulder to protect the women and the children from AusGovCO; they need to protect their castles and their communities from the Unlawful and Unconstitutional Corporate pretend Government;

this article alone should tell one and all that AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT and its STATE subsidiaries do not work for the people or in the best interest of the Nation;

I have restacked this Kate

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Amazing research, though a very alarming read. I would like to pass your substack articles onto a local council watch group but I am starting to wonder about some of these council watch groups (there seems to be quite a few, and in different states). I am starting to get suspicious that these council watch groups were set up in order to make the people think some people were looking out for them (regarding council issues). Also I do recall reading that the WEF wants to get rid of all forms of government including local government (so I do wonder if the growing dissatisfaction with councils was intended, in order to help with the plan to abolish local governments). I think I will pass the info on anyway and see what happens. Perhaps I'm just getting a little TOO suspicious.

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You can never be too paranoid. We’ve had what i believe to be infiltrators in our community group that have created division. There are snakes at all levels.

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Paranoia - it's a gift that keeps on giving these days, isn't it

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Love your work Kate. Subscribed 👍

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"The Great Taking"

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These guys spent all their money, to move from NSW to VIC and purchase a few acres to start an organic farm...

But listen to WHY they can't..


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