Another great publication, Kate.

This looks to me like a huge INCLUSION project. Everything about our lives will be included and any attempt to resist will see us EXCLUDED. The Shorten definition of TRUST is an appalling example of abuse of that word. I used to wonder why governments adopted third party products such as those offered by Microsoft, Google and Amazon et al and in so doing implicitly encouraged us to do the same. That was during my lengthy naive phase. Now, I know they used these organisations to cover for activities such as the capture of our private data which if engaged in by government might raise our alarm.

Shorten is a much more polished performer than Albanese. That is what makes him so dangerous. He used give Australians "the ability to" a number of times. There is nothing that this will give us that we cannot do now. What it will do is give collaboration between the UN, government agencies, technology firms and big business the ability to develop wide ranging surveillance and control systems that will monitor, manage and manipulate us in ways that are yet unimaginable. Is that the imagining Bill was referring to?

What struck me was how hateful his performance was. This was evident in his withering disdain for our intelligence. What he tried to pass off as jokes was a sign of his low opinion of us.

He tells us business is keen. Or course. Business was keen enough last time to do government bidding and to enforce the loss of our jobs, privacy and dignity. He is pleased to see that Telstra, Google, Tech Council of Australia, Commonwealth Bank, Seek are pleased to be involved. Of course they are.

I note Amazon already has NSW Health data.


The Sydney Morning Herald's David Crowe wonders "why not make it compulsory?" I wonder how he is paid for that sort of incisive commentary.

And there is what the incestuous "UN family" hopes to achieve. It wants to build a set of policy principles based on identity management and using our lives.

Lastly, here is excellent article on how ID2020 used Rockefeller money in Myanmar to force refugees to accept injections and biometric data capture before receiving aid. That is the future these low life mongrels, especially Shorten and his team, want for all of us.


Great work, Kate

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I also thought he was disdainful. Smug and disdainful, I couldn't believe the sycophants twittering to his stupid jokes.

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Thankfully, what that mintpressnews piece from October 2020 described didn't come to pass the way they wished. Let's keep it that way. Do NOT comply!

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I can't believe how many people will go along to get along. Do you think Bill Shorten actually believe this is all legit? Or do they all get honeypotted? Shot up with something? Their grandchildren and spouses and pets threatened?

I know we've had four years now to get our heads around where the corruption is at but I just can't. And I can't believe how so few old lefties are speaking out about it online. But then of course if they are, they're being throttled like everyone else.

Thanks for all your work on this.

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I'm a 63yo former leftie. Suspended from twitter due a 'hate tweet' that was literally about being bitten by mosquitos.

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It's a very odd space to find oneself in - I also considered myself a Leftie. I'm still trying to work out what the hell is going on, and what the Left and the Right actually represent and stand for historically and currently.

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The history according to Madeleine: I grew up in the left, with Branch ALP meetings at our house every fourth Sunday, and my father, a Teacher's Union treasurer, even stood in for Victorian election, in a blue ribbon seat, when a candidate withdrew. A Hitler moustache was drawn on his candidate poster that stood in our front yard. He did well - got big swing.

That went through the late 60s and early 70s, through to the election of Gough Whitlam. I wore "It's Time" t-shirts to school in 1972. At that time the party was unions, teachers, health and probably public service, and they pushed on the social justice issues of the time. The Liberals were the party for the rich, old, shareholders, big biz and small biz, and the ALP gave no time to any of those interests beyond age pensions. My father stayed with the party throughout his life (to 1997) but was never admitted to the policy conclave - he never got to those exalted policy making process meetings. It would've been hard to find a more committed person for the left, and he never had input.

Bob Hawke came to power with the green No Dams ticket, thereby capturing the public agitation for the environment. The wikileaks cables would later show that Hawke and many other politicians on the left were US tools - sycophants for career progression. I'll never forget Bob Hawke saying "we have to look after business" - the very antithesis of what I understood the ALP to be about. "Enterprise Bargaining" introduced by Bob Hawke broke the unions, imo. Paul Keating worked on massive trade deals. The ALP of the late 60s/70s was mostly gone by the 90s, and I copied my mother by voting Greens and Democrats in the Senate, sort of on the practice of my mother 'to keep a balance'.

Totally uninspired by the ALP I began to vote for the Greens in the lower house preferencing the ALP. I didn't move left. The ALP moved right. And I did happen to love forests.

And then in 2007 I actually stood for the Senate for a micro political party "What Women Want (Australia)". Essentially a party developed to represent Independent Midwives, all the other policies looked Green (including supporting gay marriage - a note for later). In hindsight it was probably a feeder party for the Greens/Left - it preferenced Greens first, Carers, someone else and then the ALP. If Kevin Rudd had brought in even slightly less vote I would've been accidentally elected to the Senate. At this point I'm still in my left wing place.

And then, Ka-Boom! After the election I decided I should do something for people, and settled on investigating GM crops, because I'm a bit sciencey and thought I could deal with it very quickly. During that time I discovered fraudulent big biz (no surprise), malfeasant government, the ALP spouting off Monsanto propaganda, and an inability on my part to correct their statements - wikleaks cables come out, and one sees the bigger mess. As I worked alongside small, independent people who identified with parties on the right, I learned that political identity is a circle, with the left and right meeting on the opposite diameter to the place where Big Business, Liberals and the ALP sit. I'm voting Greens first, and my preferencing patterns begin to look extremely bizarre, as I hunt among the candidates on an individual basis.

And then, Ka-Boom! The 2016 gay marriage plebiscite, and on twitter I begin to see the totalitarian forcefulness, pure evil, violence behind that lobby. I think, "I know what's coming next". Things looks really bad, I vote No in the survey, I dump the Greens, and I'm voting for socially conservative parties (eg Pauline Hansen), as the closest group representing my values that still remain from the 60s/70s.

And then Ka-Boom! The pandemic/vaccine mandates, and even though as a left wing person I was trained to never care about small business because "the liberals looked after them", I suddenly realise their importance - independence, self-starters and energy. And although 'freedom', a word I utterly rejected as the very antithesis of the "united for strength" Left, is now the most important word for times. And I vote freedom parties, and independent Australia. I'm still exactly the same person with the same values, only voting to try to haul in the extremes.

Current: I don't think political parties stand for much - it's all about the numbers they've collected and those they hope to collect. All the people who still believe authority and msm will be voting for the usual party of their tribe, as most do their whole life. Those who've been scared about the climate vote Greens, as well as all the young as they work out their gender identity ;) The people who no longer believe authority, victims of the pandemic, will be voting for the freedom parties incl PHON.

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Edited. One particularly bad sentence now reads: "My father stayed with the party throughout his life (to 1997) but was never admitted to the policy conclave - he never got to those exalted policy making process meetings."

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Since when if I may ask?

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It's like, how much of the left was always a sham? Definitely after 1975 but before that? There's just no end to the things that turn out to be empty husks we have to let go of. Dying before we die, I guess but still, sheesh. Painful.

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Hi Madeleine. I recognise your name from Twitter! You were very brave on there for a long time,and it was scary to be putting yourself out there like that while never knowing if the cops or the army were gonna knock the door down. Then feeling paranoid for having that thought, and then thinking well, where does paranoia end and reality begin anymore? I am in so much admiration for everyone from that time, and have a soft spot for people from the left of the spectrum because we had to reconcile what the hell was going on with all these idiots capitulating. Those concepts of left and right mean nothing anymore. It's all dead. Thank you for standing up 🙏

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Hi Susie, thanks for your kind words, but I don't merit them - I was just loudly being me, as always :)

Yes - I spent a lot of energy wondering/planning over what I'd do if there was a knock on the door.

There was a very bad spirit going down and it's the first time I've used the word "satanic" - I'm not religious but it resolved the cognitive dissonance. There was no point trying to make sense of something bizarre, or trying to explain stuff to people on the assumption that they were of good will, when it was actually driven by intentional evil. I imagined myself being in the middle of their scare pack - looking at them with scorn in their dress ups - the fear/uncertainty dropped away - I couldn't control what they might do, but I wasn't trying to make sense of it any more. Thinking of big public figures who got the same evil vibe - Naomi Wolf (on the left) and Tucker Carlson (on the right).

Thanks to all who stood up, all the strong freedom fighters (I developed a brand new respect), and the very few on the left who like me were shaking their heads and saying "??WT??

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And I don't understand why people have the phones that enable it all.

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The Leunig cartoon at the beginning pretty much says it all, but you've surely dissolved any illusion that this digital ID agenda can be trusted. So well discerned.

Like the microscoper - you're making the invisible obvious.

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“Digital Identity Trust Exchange” — Or, more accurately, Operation Digital Panopticon.

“...repeating the words “Consent, Choice, Trust” numerous times.” — Trust ... of course! As per Trust the Science, what could go wrong? Trust has ALWAYS been the con man's chief ally and weapon.

From the Leunig cartoon: “Humans unable to flee; a civilization entombed; a whole culture entangled in twaddle … mummified in ridiculous poses of bewilderment.” — Truly. Picture the world as a combination Pompeii/Herculaneum, buried under a Vesuvius of bullshit.

Not the brightest of bulbs, Victor Dominello, what with Bell's Palsy and all, would appear to have been a true-believer. Cue the classic “Of all tyrannies,” C S Lewis quote.

“You’ll be surprised to know, I’m sure, that the role of Smart Government is to collect immense amount of data on its “Smart Citizens.” “ — “Smart Citizens” … or, less euphemistically, in the famous words of one Mark Zuckerberg, “dumb fucks”!

Matt Lee has, for the longest time, been the ONLY journalist who asked/asks questions of any substance at State Department pressers.

Here's a very recent, excellent, wide-ranging interview of Whitney Webb by Neil Oliver. Discussion of digital ID's around the 20 minute mark … https://rumble.com/v59x0qt-neil-oliver-interviews-whitney-webb-its-us-versus-them.html The interview is titled “It's us versus them!”, which BTW is the theme of the following poem … https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/versus

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see Bilek too - transhumanist 2030 agenda - follow the money - Davos

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Thank you for writing this explanation.

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Doesn't seem to be any way of getting out of this.

Currently I use myGovID (not myGov - and I don't have a myGov account) to log on in order to submit our business ATO requirements. I suspect that they will get rid of myGovID and will replace it with digital ID.

And I suspect that all university students that are currently enrolled in commonwealth supported courses (even if they didn't/don't take out a student loan) will also need a digital ID.

I am trying to think of ways to at least delay in getting the digital ID for each of my family members.

My young adult daughter (at uni) will have the view that it can't be avoided (and any other option that may possibly delay the need to get a digital ID will just be a nuisance) and unfortunately she is likely to choose being able to continue her degree (and her life) in the easiest way possible (so choosing to get a digital ID), and will avoid thinking about what may end up happening (she is not convinced unfortunately of how this will end up being used).

Btw I have a Director ID - I didn't want it but I felt pressured by some people in the family (it's a family business) and our accountant.

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it will be stuffed up like everything else the liblabs have done

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please read my post above...

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Thanks. I read it and am aware of most of that. Nothing surprises me anymore. We need practical solutions.

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well if you are aware of it all, why do you have a myGov and a director ID?

You want practical solutions? well any solution begins with you...

you have handed yourself and your company over lock stock and barrel to a Belligerent Occupying Corporation and now you want someone else to come and untangle it for you;

You want to play paper games with ATO and Volunteer all your information to IT, yes IT, then more fool you;

You want to use 'family' as an excuse for making the choices you have made while obviously not being the Adult in the room who leads by example, then you lost before you began;

Life doesn't work like that;

You have made your bed so now it is up to you to either keep sleeping in it or strip the bed and change the sheets;

This may seem harsh to you but that's the way factual reality works when living in denial of reality.

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Gawd I feel sorry for you. To have such a smug know-it-all attitude and to have so many assumptions. I’m not wasting my time replying to you further about this and am definitely not interested in disclosing all my personal and relevant details to you, just in order for you to understand my situation better (and I suspect it would make no difference to you anyway) except to say I became aware of things well after I got a myGovID. And btw, to make the real tough decisions, that would be tough for me, because I’d have to leave my family and children and go it alone, I’d have to quit my pivotal role in our tiny family business, and nobody in my whole family including extended family would understand (because they don’t believe/don’t get it/ want to pretend these facts don’t exist; in fact they’d be worried I had lost my marbles). That’s right, a mother with a full time job who is also currently managing two estates who is a co-director and employee of a tiny family business, who also has a limited time for research, has to pack up and leave and move….somewhere. Without any support.

And if you have all the answers, how about you post them all here so others can benefit from your ‘wisdom’. Or do you just like being a smart alec and like berating others for their ‘poor’ choices?

As I said in the beginning, I really do feel sorry for you.

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"smug, know-it-all attitude' is the thanks I get for trying to inform all here what they may not know about; Should I somehow be sorry for trying to help my fellow Aussies; Should I find a way to cover Facts with sugar so they are easier to swallow?;

Believe me Rochelle, I honestly wish I never knew any of this stuff; I honestly wish I didn't feel compelled to inform others about about any of it whenever I feel it is warranted to do so; Being that we are fast heading into a digital prison, I feel that sharing what I know is well-warranted; There's no need to 'feel sorry' for me Rochelle....I have withdrawn all of my implied consent to the lot of it long ago...I think if I were to tell you how and why you would also think I am being a 'smug know-it-all'...

You see, the problem with trying to help others (online) is this very attitude of yours were you feel like you are being attacked and even being singled out;

I don't know how to sugar coat things so that i might not 'offend' you... your 'feelings' are out of my control;

I 'wrote' what i did before my reply to your comment in the hope that others might investigate for themselves that what I am 'telling' them is 100% true and correct;

There is no 'one size fits all' approach to this Major problem Rochelle but I will tell you this as plain and as simply as I can; Our Commonwealth Of Australia has been stolen...'we' are being ruled Over by Corporations pretending to be Parliaments and Government;

I am only the messenger but shoot me if you want to...

AusGovCo and agencies like ATO rely on you not knowing exactly what the game is they are playing and they have fooled us into believing what they do is Lawful and above board when it is far far removed from being Lawful; They are not 'Government Agencies', they are Corporate Bodies and as such, they must abide by corporate 'law';

(Here is what should be easy for you to comprehend being that you are a Company Director and all) (how you would like to me to 'say' that, I have no idea);

The first of such 'law' is Disclosure to Contract followed by Offer To Contract; Did you receive any Product Disclosure Statement?; any offer to contract with ATO?; Did you and ATO make a Two Party agreed Contract? did you receive a Terms and Conditions acceptance of Contract?

Being that you are (apparently)a company director, you should know all about 'contract law' as a bare minimum and 'corporate law' if you really want to beat 'them' at their own game just like Kerry Packer did...it's not about 'money' and Lawyers perse'. its about knowing the rules of the game and using their rules against them;

Unlike yourself, I have not taken 'offense' to the way you have chosen to reply to me... rather I gave you some more helpful hints that you may or may not want to look into; Whether you make the time to do so is entirely up to you;

Please, ask yourself what possible benefit is it for me to take the time to comment what I already have and then add this comment after being berated by you?; If you think I have nothing better to do than 'berate' others....I really don't know what to say;

If I were to post any direct answers here, how long do you think the post would last before being deleted?; I can only lead you to water; I cannot tell you how to drink the water or the well will dry up in a matter of minutes; such is the way with the www these days...

I'm sorry you feel trapped in your familiar situation...'peer pressure' is another weapon 'they' use to get everyone to comply with their rules; Yes, I do mean Rules as what 'they' purport to be Laws are not Laws, they are Company Policies;

I make no apologies for my comments to you Rochelle; you were the one who stated; "I read it and am aware of most of that. Nothing surprises me anymore. We need practical solutions."

I have offered up many places and words to look into and being a 'company director' should make it fairly easy for You to find both Corporate and Fair Work Act solutions for the mess of non-disclosed contractual compliance with other corporate entities You are in;

I am not in any contractual-compliance or non-discloser-to-contractual mess Rochelle; You are...yet here I am still trying to help You even though you apparently don't think much of me;





There's plenty of helpful resources out there if you look for it...

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empathy is key And you are doing tour best but we must remember to stick together - the law is being eroded by stealth as womens rights - Michael West even says zip - fear of falsely labelled "bigot - Its interesting to see right wing and left all throwng sex based womens rights under the bus - colonising womanhood - they think its a non issue ; but its all about agenda 2030 and the amalgumation of laws and human movement - assets and jobs - how many real women workin the top jobs for Elon - google- Bezos - nice to emulate - Women are weaker are we dumber too - maybe women are judging by the handmaidens self hatred

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women and children are 70% of world's poor - sex is erased for gender ID COURTESY of power elites owning med pharma and who wish to control reproduction and turn tral women into rich boys "ovens" or indentured workers - im livin that oppression - but apart from starve how do ya reckon single marginalised women who have to feed kids in many cases get by ?

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Thanks again Kate for the detail on this, forced vaccines also on the agenda. Hope you are still free to come and speak in Maitland on 3rd nov, I should be finalising details this week and will provide an agenda asap. One thing is clear, we need to come together in person to form a community of souls to stand against this mounging global and state invasion against personal freedom.

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Thank you Kate for the amazing work you do exposing these low life criminals masquerading as politicians pretending to make life easier for us. Shorten has always been a snake in the grass with a sordid personal history.

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I’m just reading about his history right now.

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The creep can be 'felt' - people couldn't vote for him.

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Resisting all the way.

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Kudos for Kate.

Indeed we already have a one world government.

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One volun-told cohort constantly overlooked is ALL Australian Public servants, and Defence personnel and contractors. 99% of which are required to hold at least a minimum security clearance, which, as at October, 2022, required the creation of a digital ID to obtain one...

Easy to confirm the above, by looking at the Australian Government Security Vetting Agency, and also looking at the APS Jobs website...You will see practically every job requires a security clearance (and by logical extension, a digital ID)

So like the jab non-mandatory shifting goalposts, salami tactics are already happening here too already..

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I'm on the central Coast and wanted to change accountants. The new accountant told me I must sign up to the Digital ID for him to get access to my ATO link. He said that when changing accountants all companies, partnerships and trust must sign on by law and that only sole traders or individuals dont have to. I don't want one. I have written to Gordon Ried MP, as I understood it was voluntary. Clearly not in this case. Either I get one or grovel back to my old accountant.

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Please let me know what response you get from Gordon ... His office ignores me. They will make it incrementally difficult to not use it and then use the numbers of people on it to justify it being mandatory.

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Hi Kate, Yes Gordon's office isn't a fan of me either. I fronted his office with the document of Australian contamination confirmed in covid vials from Julian Gillespie's substack. Gordons chief of staff jumped front and center asking how did I get that document and why am I the only one on the coast with it. She did all of the talking, I just wanted Gordon to comment since he is pro vax and an emergency Doctor. Also to comment as why the Government blocked testing of the vials, as it's only a ten dollar test. The document test had to be done in Canada. As you can imagine the discussion got quite heated. The chief of staff would not answer any questions. I'm part of PJ's group in Newcastle. I will let you know when Gordon replies.

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Yes, she's a gatekeeper. I emailed Gordon to intervene with my submission to the covid inquiry. I made a two hour video documenting the concerns. They put up my written submission (which was only to refer to the link to the video) and they broke the link to the video. They said they would fix it, well 6 months later it's still not fixed. I wrote to Gordon to intervene- he ignored me. That's how democracy works supposedly.

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and to think, I voted for Gordon, because I thought a doctor would be good. How conned was I.

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davos agenda 2030 John Howard neo lib olligarch wet dream on steroids

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Given the quiet clarsterfark that is commonly known as the myGovID app, I doubt the safety and security of anything this government introduces. This piece of cybergarbage was instigated by Morrison's Liberals, so I think it's safe to say that nobody either Lib or Lab in Canberra has a clue about how to get it right.

Check out the ratings and reviews:


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"Governments and their Citizens" does that not ring any alarm bells in the minds of the readers here?

'They' are pretty much openly stating that you are theirs; 'they' own you; 'you' as 'the citizen' are under their control; 'you' are not 'you' as God intended us people to be, rather you are a 'Citizen' which is a Product, Chattel, Commodity of (the) State that May be Granted certain Rights that (the) State May deem appropriate (any words started with a Capital letter are intended as my way to highlight the importance of the word);

I urge all readers to look up in Blacks Law (4th edition) the definition of the word 'citizen'; It has been scrubbed from the internet so you will have to use the waybackmachine (archive.org) or similar to find it; as i stated above, 'you' are basically owned by 'Government'...

Now let's look at what AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT©️™️, AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT©️™️, COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA©️™️ ATO©️™️ AEC©️™️ and whole myriad of related 'federal and state' Entities are on Dun and Bradstreet, the USSEC and even Australian Business Number registrations;

If you actually spend a little time and do some investigations of your own, like I strongly suggest you do, you will discover that all of these so-called 'Government Agencies' are Foreign Owned and Registered Corporate Entities; They are not Government perse' and they definitely Do Not work for you, in the best interests of you or for the betterment of Our Nation;

ATO for example is a registered Corporation within France and Germany, headquarters in Georgia DC; It's majority shareholder is none other than Blackrock.inc;

That's right folks, you pay 'taxes' to a Foreign Owned and Registered profit making machine that not only makes 'tax' payments to Foreign 'Governments' as an 'investment organisation' but also pays Dividends to Shareholders like Blackrock.inc and Vanguard.inc before a single dollar gets returned to 'Australia.inc' and maybe, just maybe, some might get distributed back to the Chattel known as 'Australian Citizens' if 'the citizen' fills out the correct paperwork, files all the correct paperwork with all I's dotted and T's crossed to the ATO©️™️ and is hopefully deemed 'eligible' for a 'tax refund'...

meanwhile the Corporations new figure head called the Governor General is exempt from 'tax' and gives Itself a $200,000 salary increase before it even lifts a finger to cut a ribbon at a new detention facility 'opening ceremony' somewhere;

And here you, the reader, probably sitting in wonder how and why the Polly Ticks of AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT©️™️ don't listen to the living will of the people that allegedly 'vote' for them;

It's really quite simple folks; They are Corporate Entities and we are not members of the Corporation; we have no shares; we are not board executives and as such, we get No Say in how the Corporation is managed let alone what Its Mission Statement ought be;

We have all been lied to and deceived by the Polly Ticks for far-too-many years my fellow Aussies; Question is; will you even bother to look into what I have revealed to you here or will you keep on being the slave to the master when it should be 'the master' working for you!

You are the Masters....the Polly Ticks the slaves; That is what you pay them for is it not?

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In our Constitution is says that tax is voluntary. Not many know this.

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At least someone here gets it...

high court of Australia (HCA) has even ruled that ATO is not a Lawful Entity of Government; It has no Authority to demand monies from anyone; It can only deal with Entities that agree to deal with it;

How and Why do you think so many Foreign Corporations pay no tax to ATO even though they make monies on or from Australian soil?...simple; They Don't Have To; Despite all the huffing and puffing by several 'governments' saying they will force Foreign Entities to pay 'their share' of tax to 'Australia', nothing, and I mean nothing ever comes of it

Let IT (ATO non-living so IT) try and take you, the living man and woman to 'court'; For starters, a non-living entity cannot make a claim for damages, harm or payment as IT has no feelings, no thought, no mind, no body and no soul; I highly doubt any man or woman employed by IT will try to breathe life into IT by claiming you have caused them damages or harm; If there is no living man or woman named on any document, then there can be no claim;

Are you keeping up Rochelle?

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