Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

These UN nerds are using a lot of fancy words and phrases to force children to be good little slaves. If you refuse to let your child be indoctrinated, you're not being a "good global citizen" and "letting down the community", etc.

Its nothing but child abuse wrapped up in pretty paper with big profits for the investors. Say NO.

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Jun 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

It's Globalist SOP PsyOp Kika - they are using all and every tools to condition the slaves of the future. They WILL fail having underestimated the resiliance of the human spirit. They think we are machines (Harari WEF)


Family breakdown is our greatest problem as TPTB attempt to destroy of natural cohesion - "divide & conquer": https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/broken-britain-wartime-edition-abject?r=hkcp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

DO NOT COMPLY - is our best defence and seek the armour of God in this spiritual battle. (Ephesians 6)



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Jun 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Highly concerning. Excellent coverage. Those inside don't question it. Those outside it, must!

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Jun 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

The incremental steps of a well oiled ‘educational’ machine designed to rob mankind of independent, critically minded individuals’ right to self determine according to God-given mental, physical and spiritual capabilities.

Thanks for your research… hoping that it reaches far and wide.

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Jun 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

As usual, an excellent eye-opener, as disturbing (perhaps even terrifying) as it is necessary.

“I am writing this article in the hope that it gets into the hands of these families, so they are aware of the global education arena Ms Deborah Dunstone (leading the review) resides within, and the direction she will be keen to take the review outcomes.” — The phrase “doing God's work” comes to mind.

Joanne McEachen … “Her methodology interrogates systems through the eyes of their least-served learners, supporting them to embrace and celebrate students' cultural identities and individual interests and needs.” That sentence alone should give her a shot at the podium come the next virtue-signaling Olympics.

Compare and contrast the following two descriptions of SEL. The first (from this piece) is a meaningless string of standard-issue feel-good platitudes; the second, tells it like it is....

CASEL: “SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.”

New Discourses (James Lindsay): “Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is a dangerous scam being forced into our education system at every level and in every possible way. How are they doing it, though? Among the techniques they’re using to ram SEL deeper and deeper into school districts against all sense and without real evidence is what might be called the “SEL Cycle.” What happens in this fraudulent circular approach is that SEL is used as a justification to gather survey data from students in their schools. That survey data is then massaged and interpreted through equity, inclusion, and sustainability lenses to identify shortcomings in what’s happening in the schools according to those ideological interpretations. Those “shortcomings” are then leveraged to demand more SEL, more DEI training, and more Woke Marxism.”

While what the globalist dystopian technocrats are planning is so much worse, here's a reminder that what we have (and have had for the longest time) is nothing to write home about … a meditation on pre-4IR “education” you might appreciate … https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/enabling-the-big-lies-and-myths

Worth repeating: “... Again this means wealth transfers, no privacy, a thin wedge of ideas and views that are acceptable, centralised control and no transparency as to who is really setting the agenda.”

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I love Lindsay's work.

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If only his Bullet Points were part of some new globalist curriculum (but of course it wouldn't be globalist then). Oh well, at least one can dream ...

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Hi Kate

An astounding work that I won't get through, completely, till tomorrow. I listened to Joanne McEachen speaking with Tom Vander Ark long enough to be horrified. SEL has a direct line to Blavatsky outcast Alice Bailey and John Fetzer who contributed $200million to the foundation of CASEL. They were theosophists.

Thanks for introducing me to Joanne McEachen. I quote from her podcast with Tom Vander Ark:

"Everybody talks about what they value and usually that’s around relationships, it’s around empathy, its around looking forwards, it’s around thinking about caring for each other, IT’S AROUND TECHNOLOGY, it’s all of the things we’ve talked about that are really valuable. Yet, not one school has had the opportunity to measure that through SYSTEM WORK. So for me it’s about change what we measure Let’s decide what success looks like in today’s world and measure that and let’s describe now what success looks like in today’s world."

The OECD should be very happy with her measurement fetish. When McEachen talks about the children telling who they are, it is pure Paolo Freire. And these quotes from McEachen:

“Are we brave enough to say if children can show us what they know in their way, is it acceptable for us as adults”.


“And that’s how we really get EQUITY"

Finally, I find this observation of hers stunning:

"I use an analogy where you go to the doctor and do a number of different tests, the doctor doesn’t say you need open heart surgery tomorrow”.

And she closes the loop when she says:

"“There might be an opportunity for some PARENT assessment”. Let's get the whole family on the Social Impact Bond program. You could have a different investor for each family member or pool them as Collateral Debt Obligations that drove the GFC housing disaster. AAA bets, ABB, BBC.

You might know these people but a couple more behind New Pedagogies are Michael Fullan and Joanne Quinn. Vander Ark, her podcast friend, has links with: 4.0 Schools,

Education Board Partners, Digital Learning Institute, Latinx Education Collaborative, Mastery Transcript Consortium, Getting Smart Collective

Thanks for your remarkable work.

So we are pathologising children just as Social Impact Bonds want us to do.

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Jun 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

What an insufferable mountain of B.S. you climbed to bring us this information. I honestly don't know how you could bear it, but thank you!

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Jun 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

You are a world class researcher and communicator. I’m grateful to you for your research, findings and for sharing this. I was unaware of this and it was informative. It’s thanks to wonderful individuals like you that critical information can be disseminated in a heavily censored environment. Thank you very much and so very well done for this amazing research and article.

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Jun 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Outstanding piece and research.👏👏👏👏🎩🎩🎩🎩🎩💯📣📣📣📣📣🙏🙏

I truly hope your work gains much, much more attention, both on and off Substack, because the future of the world, may actually depend on it. 😐😐But no pressure😉

#learning2unlearn #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Jul 2Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Frightening. Brave New World in microcosm. You’ve done a wonderful job of intelligently sorting and synthesising these interrelated but not so obvious schemes for the social engineering and conditioning of school-age children - prime targets because the most vulnerable and manipulable - in an admirably comprehensive analysis. Thank you.

It makes me thankful, too, that I don’t have children, but mindful of the agonising responsibilities of those who do and the consequences for us all.

You’ve covered so much here, so thoroughly, and I may have missed it, but you don’t seem to directly mention the increase since the false pandemic in home schooling (clearly considered a “wicked problem” by the education totalitarians) brought about by parents simply desiring to take their children from the clutches of the Biosecurity State (masks, vaccination), quite separate from, or perhaps trumping (or so is my impression) a concern for their spiritual/intellectual independence. No doubt you’ve written of it elsewhere and may consider it well enough understood. Reading this piece, those parents who began home-schooling their children primarily because of “covid” can be doubly thankful they did. And be doubly vigilant.

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I just mention that there's been a sharp uptake of home schooling in the last three years. I could make more about the swing and its connection to the covid policies. I'm not sure also how much is to do with the gender ideology infiltration.

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Jun 30Liked by Deconstructing 4IR Narratives

Thank you for the time and effort you put into researching this Substack. I don't have children, but am absolutely horrified for my family members who do. This is so very dystopian! Their evil plan must fail with enough parents and families saying "NO" and the global populations refusing to participate en masse.

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Below are a couple of videos of the mostly free homeschool resources use for my daughter, grade 1-12, which is a hybrid of present and future styles of teaching/education. My daughter decides, within the parameters of what she needs to know to “graduate”, what she wants to learn. So far she has learned law (torts, contract and criminal law); dentistry; psychology; reading body language; Spanish instead of French (we are in Canada); business/marketing; physics of consciousness; cooking; medicine; music; building homes; politics (real politics), via many fun and well-made simulations and other practical applications. She also learns English, math and real science (not the BS) of biology and physics and chemistry; self-defence; computer programming logic and more; 3.5 hours a day, with two days a week for self defence. She’s has the resources to manage everything, as well as apps that provide insight as needed. I am here to manage it and help her through the more complicated stuff. It took thousands of hours to develop what I created from scratch; so make use of it if you have homeschool kids. I’m not selling anything and most of the resources are free. I want the future to be bright and I want to see kids have fun and discover themselves through their passions, which is the compass they came in with. Parents can come from a state of fear and not trust their own intuition or that of their child/ren and that is a mistake. Trust your child and they will trust you.

If our experience of reality reflects our state of being (100% it does), you want your child to be passion-driven, happy, compassionate; emotionally balanced, trusted, loved, supported, living in the now of life! Don’t treat them like a disobedient pet that doesn’t have an inner compass to know what they need for themselves. If in doubt, do what love would do; not what fear would do!

Here’s the videos showing many of the resources I’ve used. The video isn’t well done, but it’s to the point. There is a link to the second video in the description of this one: https://rumble.com/v3cen44-homeschool-resources-easy-quick-dirty-now-and-free.html

Here is an overview of what’s coming for education, posed as a question to the language bot (fake AI bot).

QUESTION: What is the future of childhood education based on it being decentralized, community-based, passion-based and taught in small, like-minded groups?

ANSWER: The future of childhood education is shifting towards a decentralized, passion-based, small like-minded groups, and community-based model. This paradigm shift is driven by the need for a more personalized, flexible, and inclusive learning environment that caters to the diverse needs and interests of children.


Decentralization in education involves transferring authority, power, and decision-making to various levels, such as schools, districts, or local communities. This approach allows for greater autonomy and flexibility, enabling educators to tailor their teaching methods and curricula to the unique needs and interests of their students.

Passion-Based Learning

Passion-based learning focuses on igniting children’s natural curiosity and interests, allowing them to explore and learn at their own pace. This approach encourages children to develop a sense of ownership and agency over their learning, fostering a deeper sense of engagement and motivation.

Small, Like-Minded Groups

Small, like-minded groups provide a sense of belonging and community, allowing children to form meaningful connections with their peers and educators. These groups can be formed around shared interests, hobbies, or passions, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.

Community-Based Approach

A community-based approach to education emphasizes the importance of community involvement and participation. This can include partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and community members, providing children with real-world learning experiences and opportunities for application.

Key Principles

Personalized Learning: Education is tailored to each child’s unique needs, interests, and learning style.

Flexibility: Learning is flexible and adaptable, allowing children to explore and learn at their own pace.

Community Engagement: Community involvement and participation are essential for creating a sense of belonging and social and emotional development.

Autonomy: Educators and learners have the freedom to make decisions and take ownership of their learning.

Inclusivity: Education is inclusive, welcoming, and supportive of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and abilities.


Increased Engagement: Children are more likely to be engaged and motivated when learning is personalized and meaningful.

Improved Outcomes: A community-based approach can lead to better social and emotional development, as well as improved academic performance.

Increased Autonomy: Children develop a sense of agency and ownership over their learning, leading to greater confidence and self-directed learning.

Diverse Perspectives: A community-based approach fosters diversity and inclusivity, providing children with a broader understanding of the world and its complexities.

In conclusion, the future of childhood education is shifting towards a decentralized, passion-based, small like-minded groups, and community-based approach. This paradigm shift has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn, fostering a more personalized, flexible, and inclusive education system that caters to the diverse needs and interests of children.

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